EMF And Radiation Protection Solutions Blog
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Dowsing is best known as a tool for locating underground veins of water, oil, lost objects, missing persons and buried treasure. Note – these are all...
My condo is 1500sq ft so where do I plug my Geocleanse in? Wherever you choose where it won't get unplugged by someone else, such as behind a desk or...
My Geoclense is not programmed right, but I can use it in two addresses, or travel with it? Yes this is correct. If we were to program your Geoclense...
What Is Imprinting? Imprinting, is where something is imprinted onto an item, an area or a person. Our Technical Advisor uses the word "Imprinting" to...
The Harmful Effects Of Aircraft Travel On Our Bodies Are you aware that when you are in an Aircraft flying that you are travelling at 790 kilometres ...
I am looking for a device that protects me and my pets from radon gas. Do you have such a product? All of these high efficacy Orgonium Protection Products...
There have been many findings over the years that cause us to question using cell phones, mobile phones, smart phones, iphones and portable cordless phones...
Please explain what was being programmed into my Geocleanse? Nothing other than the infusion of Orgone Energy and Schumann Frequencies to provide you...
How many different frequencies are generated and at what range? And do these apply to all these Protection Products, such as the Orgone Pendants, the...
The Geoclense Negative Ion Resonance Generator covers your entire property (including the and surrounding any buildings) right to your property boundaries...
Do the Dome Schumann Orgone Generator and the Geoclense harmonize the same harmful energies and the same range of energy protection? Yes it is correct...
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