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[...] Perspective)", 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2005. Download slides here Introduction (Lecture notes for 08/25/09) CMOS Circuits (Lecture notes for 08/27/09) MOS Theory (Lecture notes for 09/01/ [...]
[...] -X. Book web page: A Web home page for the book is available at Lecture notes: Lectures notes from the book and additional notes. Lectures Sections in book [...]
[...] (continued) 5/10 - Disk Drivers 5/12 and 5/15 - File Systems 5/17 - Guest lecture (no lecture notes - sorry!) 5/19 and 5/22 - File Systems Variations and Software Caching 5/24 and 5/26 - IO [...]
[...] Cryptography and Network Security Text: Cryptography and Network Security, Fourth Edition,william stallings Download Slides: ch01.ppt 13-Jan-2006 17:05 419K ch02.ppt 13-Jan-2006 17:05 [...]
[...] TEXTBOOK: John F. Wakerly. Digital Design. Principles and Practices. Fourth Edition. Remember, that the main reading material is the Wakerly's Book. You can learn, however, all [...]
Computer Network System Instructor: Tom Andreson Textbook: Peterson and Davie, Computer Networks A Systems Perspective, 5th Edition Download Slides f [...]
Data Mining Instructor: Pedro Domingos Textbook: Tom Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill, Download Slides from here Topics & Lecture Notes Intr [...]
Transaction Processing Instructor: Philip A. Bernstein Textbook: Principles of Transaction Processing 2nd Edition by Philip A. Bernstein and Eric New [...]
Database Management System Instructor: Alon Halevy Textbook:The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the design and use of databas [...]
[...] Text: Automated Planning Theory and Practice. Instructor: Dana Nau Download Slides here: pdf, ppt: Chap. 1, [...]
[...] Instructore: Dana Nau Text: Automated Planning Theory and Practice Download Slides here: Chapter 1: Introduction [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 2: [...]
[...] -Space Planning [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 5: Plan-Space Planning [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 6: Planning-Graph Techniques [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 7: Propositional Satisfiability Techniques[pdf] [ppt] Chapter [...]
[...] : State-Space Planning [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 5: Plan-Space Planning [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 6: Planning-Graph Techniques [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 7: Propositional Satisfiability Techniques [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 9: [...]
[...] . 4, State-Space Planning pdf, ppt: Chap. 5, Plan-Space Planning pdf, ppt: Chap. 6, Planning-Graph Techniques pdf, ppt: Chap. 7, Propositional Satisfiability Techniques pdf, ppt: Intro. to [...]
[...] . 4, State-Space Planning pdf, ppt: Chap. 5, Plan-Space Planning pdf, ppt: Chap. 6, Planning-Graph Techniques pdf, ppt: Chap. 7, Propositional Satisfiability Techniques pdf, ppt: Intro. to [...]
[...] pdf, ppt: Intro. to Part 3 pdf, ppt: Chap. 9, Heuristics in Planning pdf, ppt: Chap. 10, Control Rules in Planning pdf, ppt: Chap. 11, Hierarchical Task Network Planning pdf, ppt: Chap. 14 sec. 14. [...]
[...] ] Chapter 9: Heuristics in Planning [pdf] [ppt] Intro to Part 3 [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 10: Control Rules in Planning [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 11: Hierarchical Task Network Planning [pdf] [ppt] [...]
[...] and Resource Scheduling pdf, ppt: Chap. 16, Planning on MDPs pdf, ppt: Chap. 17, Planning as Model Checking [...]
[...] 16: Planning based on Markov Decision Processes [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 17: Planning based on model checking [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 20: Planning in Robotics [pdf] [ppt] Chapter 23: Planning in the Game of [...]
[...] sets; amortized analysis PPT 17.1-17.2 30 Amortized analysis continued PPT 17.3-17.4 31 Dynamic programming PPT 15.1, 15.3 32 Dynamic programming (longest common subsequence) PPT 15.4 33 Dynamic [...]
[...] 4.5 - 4.7 Huffman codes † 4.8 Divide-and-conquer 5.1 - 5.4 Multiplication 5.5 - 5.6 Dynamic programming 6.1 - 6.7 Bellman-Ford 6.8 - 6.10 Max flow, min cut 7.1 - 7.3 Network flow [...]
[...] : [PPT] [PDF] [PS]) (GK lecture slides [PDF]) (AG lecture slides [PPT][PDF][PS]) 12. Dynamic Programming (figures: [PPT] [PDF] [PS]) (AG lecture slides [PPT][PDF][PS]) 13. Fast Fourier [...]
[caption id="attachment_24961" align="alignleft" width="170" caption="Artificial Intelligence Stuart Russell"] [/caption] Artificial Intelligence [...]
[...] Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Instructor: Henry Kautz Textbook: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition), [...]
[...] Application of Artificial Intelligence Instructor: Rajesh Rao Textbook: Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence A [...]
[...] Application of Artificial Intelligence Instructor: Rajesh Rao Textbook: Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence A [...]
[...] Perspective)", 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2005. Download slides here Introduction (Lecture notes for 08/25/09) CMOS Circuits (Lecture notes for 08/27/09) MOS Theory (Lecture notes for 09/01/ [...]
[...] -X. Book web page: A Web home page for the book is available at Lecture notes: Lectures notes from the book and additional notes. Lectures Sections in book [...]
[...] (continued) 5/10 - Disk Drivers 5/12 and 5/15 - File Systems 5/17 - Guest lecture (no lecture notes - sorry!) 5/19 and 5/22 - File Systems Variations and Software Caching 5/24 and 5/26 - IO [...]
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