ER Texting - Emergency Room Wait Times Text Service, ER Wait Time
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Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, the largest healthcare provider for children in Georgia and one of the largest pediatric clinical care providers...
Have you ever been to a hospital emergency room (ER)? Chances are you have and more than once. What do you remember most about your visit...
With the national average for emergency wait time continuing to increase, in this CNN article, emergency room physicians offer patients advice on what...
With the national average for emergency wait time continuing to increase, in this CNN article, emergency room physicians offer patients advice on what...
Many hospitals consider posting their emergency room wait times but often don’t move forward with their plans. While sometimes there are valid reasons...
Many hospitals consider posting their emergency room wait times but often don’t move forward with their plans. While sometimes there are valid reasons...
Miami, Florida (March, 2013) – Last month Uncle Sam (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [CMS]) rolled out a massive database that allows...
Miami, Florida (March, 2013) – Last month Uncle Sam (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [CMS]) rolled out a massive database (
Watch the latest video at One of our own, Carlos Blanco was recently interviewed on Fox News’ show, On the Hunt. With...
Miami Children’s Hospital Receives Award for Its Web-based Marketing of Texting Services MIAMI, Jan. 11, 2013 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ – ER Texting...
Watch the latest video at One of our own, Carlos Blanco was recently interviewed on Fox News’ show, On the Hunt. With a flu outbreak...
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[...] and doctors, this app offers instant videos on how to perform CPR and aid a choking victim. ER Texting: Consumers text to 4ER411 and receive an immediate response as to the wait times at nearby, [...]
[...] effective mechanism for communicating with potential consumers and previous patients. ER Texting, the leader in texting services for the healthcare industry, provides in-depth support for its [...]
[...] to begin posting its urgent care center wait times for parents to access via their cell phones. ER Texting, the leader in text/SMS wait time applications for the healthcare industry, successfully [...]
[...] wait to be seen or, in turn, how long it took for you to be seen! Well, in 2007, the founder of ER Texting, Anthony Baradat pondered the very same thing. Being that most hospitals offer similar [...]
[...] New service allows patients to receive emergency room wait times mobile via any cell phone with text capability. ER Texting is proud to announced that [...]
[...] The new service allows potential patients to receive emergency room wait times via their cell phones Miami, Florida (July, 2012) – ER Texting, a provider of turnkey [...]
[...] Miami Children’s Hospital Receives Award for Its Web-based Marketing of Texting Services MIAMI, Jan. 11, 2013 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ – ER Texting, a provider of turnkey [...]
[...] Miami Children’s Hospital Receives Award for Its Web-based Marketing of Texting Services MIAMI, Jan. 11, 2013 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ – ER Texting, a provider of [...]
[...] of ER Texting’s services. ER Texting provides texting services to hospitals and urgent care facilities that want to post their emergency room wait time and allow consumers to access those [...]
[...] and age, data collected in 2011 and early 2012 is now outdated The data does not cover urgent care facilities, which are being deployed rapidly across the US So as a hospital executive, are you just [...]
[...] is a unique services company focused on allowing customers access to hospitals and urgent care facilities that want to post their wait times. We service some of the largest and best known [...]
[...] hospitals using ER Texting to provide this service to parents of children visiting their urgent care facilities. Parents can now text “ccurgent” to 4ER411 and instantly receive the current [...]
[...] , Florida (July, 2012) – ER Texting, a provider of turnkey text message services to the healthcare industry, today announced that the Park Ridge Health selected the company as its provider for the [...]
[...] , 2013 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ – ER Texting, a provider of turnkey text message services to the healthcare industry, announced that their client, Miami Children’s Hospital (MCH), recently won the [...]
[...] could help patients cope with this outbreak when making visits to emergency rooms and urgent care centers. [...] [...]
[...] . In addition to the wait times, the hospital also provides contact information for its urgent care centers that accept walk-in patients; thus, providing additional options for lower acuity patients. [...]
[...] . We want our patients and families to know what to expect when coming to one of our urgent care centers. Additionally, the service allows families to self-select which of our three [...]
[...] response as to the wait times at nearby, participating hospital emergency rooms and urgent care centers. “The turkey’s not the only thing that gets stuffed on Thanksgiving,” [...]
[...] times via their cell phones Miami, Florida (July, 2012) – ER Texting, a provider of turnkey text message services to the healthcare industry, today announced that the Park Ridge Health selected the [...]
[...] Texting Services MIAMI, Jan. 11, 2013 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ – ER Texting, a provider of turnkey text message services to the healthcare industry, announced that their client, Miami Children’s [...]
[...] vaccinations. With the continued growth of text as a consumer communications channel for healthcare facilities, the [...] [...]
[...] . With the continued growth of text as a consumer communications channel for healthcare facilities, the role and depth of its use are being actively pursued as an opportunity to enhance [...]
[...] Miami Children’s Hospital Receives Award for Its Web-based Marketing of Texting Services MIAMI, Jan. 11, 2013 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ – ER Texting, a provider of turnkey text message services [...]
[...] Miami Children’s Hospital Receives Award for Its Web-based Marketing of Texting Services MIAMI, Jan. 11, 2013 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ – ER Texting, a provider of turnkey text message [...]
[...] and doctors, this app offers instant videos on how to perform CPR and aid a choking victim. ER Texting: Consumers text to 4ER411 and receive an immediate response as to the wait times at nearby, [...]
[...] effective mechanism for communicating with potential consumers and previous patients. ER Texting, the leader in texting services for the healthcare industry, provides in-depth support for its [...]
[...] to begin posting its urgent care center wait times for parents to access via their cell phones. ER Texting, the leader in text/SMS wait time applications for the healthcare industry, successfully [...]
[...] wait to be seen or, in turn, how long it took for you to be seen! Well, in 2007, the founder of ER Texting, Anthony Baradat pondered the very same thing. Being that most hospitals offer similar [...]
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Wait List Pager
Text Message Reminder Service
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