Easy Android Coding


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Easy Android Coding' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Easy Android Coding' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Easy Android Coding' Channel

Android programming using Basic4Android

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? Average Article Length

'Easy Android Coding' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Easy Android Coding' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Easy Android Coding' contains more negatively biased articles than positive or neutral ones (e.g. it may include some critical or negatively biased opinions on the subjects addressed on the channel).



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Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 2

[...] Part 2 – Adding the ground in Get the source code for this tutorial here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/ [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 1

[...] ) LibGDX library – Download here Phone / Tablet that runs Android 3.0 and up Download the source code for this tutorial here: Source Code Download Project Activities #SupportedOrientations: [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 3

[...] Part 3 – Drawing the pipes Grab the source code here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/basic4android/ [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 4

[...] Part 4 – Now we add the bird Grab the source code here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/basic4android/ [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX–Part 8

[...] what’s left to do before we can call this a real game? Let’s just use this list: High-score, Title screen, sound effects. Get the source code here! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you% [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 6

[...] . We use gamerunning to store whether game is running or not, we use this later for showing a title screen before we start the game. We then declare birddead to check if the bird is living or dead, a [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX–Part 7

[...] little complex if you want to use it many times, like say to draw multiple lines of text for a title screen. The solution is to write a small function that handles it for us so we can just use a short [...]

Flappy Bird clone LibGDX version

[...] I’ve finished the first version of my Flappy Bird clone using the LibGDX library with Basic4Android. Download the source code here: Cloney Bird [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 5

Part 5 – Adding player input Grab the source code: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/basic4android/CloneyBirdTutorial/P [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX–Part 7

[...] use, the size, etc… I’ve added a screenshot showing the settings I’ve used for our Flappy Bird Clone. Once you’ve copied those settings, open the export options menu item and copy the [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 1

Part 1 – Drawing an image What you need Basic4Android (obviously) LibGDX library – Download here Phone / Tablet that runs Android 3.0 and up [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX–Part 8

[...] for each sound effect, these objects are of type LGSound, add the following lines to the globals section to add an effect for flapping wings and one for dying Dim snd_hit As lgSound Dim snd_flap As [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 2

[...] we need to declare a new texture to hold our ground graphic. Add the following line the globals section: Dim myGD As lgTexture ‘ground image We also need to declare some variables to use to [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 3

[...] our game with our scrolling ground tiles, it’s time we add the pipes. First off, in the globals section we’ll add a type to hold the pipe object. An object in programming, is just a [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 5

[...] method. This first needs declaring, just like everything else so let’s declare it in our Globals section just like everything else: Dim IP As lgInputProcessor Initialise the object in the LG_Create [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 1

Part 1 – Drawing an image What you need Basic4Android (obviously) LibGDX library – Download here Phone / Tablet that runs Android 3.0 and up [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 2

Part 2 – Adding the ground in Get the source code for this tutorial here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/basic4andr [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 3

Part 3 – Drawing the pipes Grab the source code here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/basic4android/CloneyBirdTutor [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 4

Part 4 – Now we add the bird Grab the source code here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/basic4android/CloneyBirdTut [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 3

[...] drops below zero then we make a new pipe. First we reset the pipe countdown to 40% of the viewport width, this means we should end up with three pipes on screen at once. We then define a new pipe to [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 2

[...] part that says Mod(vpW*0.20)simply means to devide the frames amount by 20% the width of the viewport width and return the remainder, this is because the frames value keeps going up each frame, but we [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 4

[...] to put this point at the centre of the bird. The width of the bird is set to 8.5% of the viewport width and the height is set to 4% of the viewport height. So the origin in the centre of the bird [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 1

[...] (lGdx.Files.internal(“day_background.png”)) This file must exist in your files folder within the project folder. The file can be any size and resolution as LibGDX will scale [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 4

[...] it for this part. Try running your code (remember to add the bird graphic file to your files folder), if you get any problems then check the downloadable source code against what you’ve [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX–Part 8

[...] lGdx.Audio.NewSound(“select.wav”) ‘ load flapping sound These files need to be in your files folder. We’re now ready to use them. Find the section in the LG_Render where the bird hits [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX–Part 7

[...] go to the options menu again and select “Save bitmap font as…” Then save it into your files folder in your Flappy bird project folder. It’s probably worth saving the settings using the [...]

Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX–Part 8

[...] , if the bird is alive, then just draw the score to the screen, otherwise, decrease the restartCD countdown, then check if the score is a new high-score, if it is, then save the high-score to the [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 1

[...] games run smoothly on older devices. Activity Create This is where we initialise our LibGDX graphics engine and tell Android where to draw it surface = lGdx.InitializeView(“LG”) The above [...]

?Key Phrases
Write a Flappy Bird clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 2

[...] Part 2 – Adding the ground in Get the source code for this tutorial here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/ [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 1

[...] ) LibGDX library – Download here Phone / Tablet that runs Android 3.0 and up Download the source code for this tutorial here: Source Code Download Project Activities #SupportedOrientations: [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 3

[...] Part 3 – Drawing the pipes Grab the source code here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/basic4android/ [...]

Write a Flappy Bird Clone using Basic4Android and LibGDX – Part 4

[...] Part 4 – Now we add the bird Grab the source code here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8673694/you%20tube%20files/basic4android/ [...]

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