Eat, Sleep, Code, Repeat
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Sometimes you will encounter this error complaining no class found when try to run Jasper Report in your application. This happens when you selected...
Sometimes you will encounter this error complaining no class found when try to run Jasper Report in your application. This happens when you selected...
This article will demonstrate on how to integrate Jasper Report into Spring MVC. Jasper Report is a Java reporting library and with the help of iReport...
This article will demonstrate on how to integrate Jasper Report into Spring MVC. Jasper Report is a Java reporting library and with the help of iReport...
Before we continue developing all the pages, we need to first create a page template for this apps. The reason of using a page template is to standardize...
Before we continue developing all the pages, we need to first create a page template for this apps. The reason of using a page template is to standardize...
In HTML5, we can now specify extra attribute to the input element, such as pattern, required and type. By default, browser will validate the form whenever...
In HTML5, we can now specify extra attribute to the input element, such as pattern, required and type. By default, browser will validate the form whenever...
I started practicing Scrum methodology in year 2007, and in year 2009 I got my Certificate Scrum Master in Beijing when I was working in China. As time...
I started practicing Scrum methodology in year 2007, and in year 2009 I got my Certificate Scrum Master in Beijing when I was working in China. As time...
In Play framework, we will be using controllers to handle user request and route configurations to forward request to controller. Route configurations...
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[...] is the first part of the tutorial series. We will be starting by installing and setting up Play framework. First, you need to have JDK 6(at least) installed in your machine. Run the following command [...]
[...] product catalog application using Play and Scala. Here is what I will be using: - Play Framework version 2.3.1 as of today. - MySQL - Bootstrap 3.x The tutorials will cover the following [...]
[...] article we will be looking at some common commands we will be using when developing apps in Play Framework. run – to run the web server, like we did in the previous article. The server will be [...]
[...] In Play framework, we will be using controllers to handle user request and route configurations to forward [...]
In this article we will be looking at how to configure database access to MySQL in Play and how to use Anorm as the database access layer. First of al [...]
In this article we will be looking at how to define and create models. I will spend more time on this since there are few parts I want to cover here i [...]
We will be using Anorm as the persistence layer in this application. As we can see from previous post, we have defined 2 tables in this application, P [...]
Before we continue developing all the pages, we need to first create a page template for this apps. The reason of using a page template is to standard [...]
In this article we will be looking at how to configure database access to MySQL in Play and how to use Anorm as the database access layer. First of al [...]
In this article we will be looking at how to define and create models. I will spend more time on this since there are few parts I want to cover here i [...]
We will be using Anorm as the persistence layer in this application. As we can see from previous post, we have defined 2 tables in this application, P [...]
In Play framework, we will be using controllers to handle user request and route configurations to forward request to controller. Route configuration [...]
[...] This article will demonstrate on how to integrate Jasper Report into Spring MVC. Jasper Report is a Java reporting library and with the help of iReport, we can design the report that [...]
[...] Sometimes you will encounter this error complaining no class found when try to run Jasper Report in your application. This happens when you selected Groovy instead of Java for the report [...]
[...] message and not the “Access denied” error message, chances are you already have your database setup correctly. It’s always a good practice to reconfigure your user access right after you [...]
[...] -application-using-play-and-scala-part-2-introduction-to-play-framework-commands/ - Database setup and access – [...]
[...] layer. First of all, we will be using MySQL, so please make sure that you have the database server running. Run the following command to verify, I will assume that your username is “root” [...]
[...] I started practicing Scrum methodology in year 2007, and in year 2009 I got my Certificate Scrum Master in Beijing when I was [...]
[...] I started practicing Scrum methodology in year 2007, and in year 2009 I got my Certificate Scrum Master in Beijing when [...]
In this article we will be looking at how to define and create models. I will spend more time on this since there are few parts I want to cover here i [...]
[...] is the first part of the tutorial series. We will be starting by installing and setting up Play framework. First, you need to have JDK 6(at least) installed in your machine. Run the following command [...]
[...] product catalog application using Play and Scala. Here is what I will be using: - Play Framework version 2.3.1 as of today. - MySQL - Bootstrap 3.x The tutorials will cover the following [...]
[...] article we will be looking at some common commands we will be using when developing apps in Play Framework. run – to run the web server, like we did in the previous article. The server will be [...]
[...] In Play framework, we will be using controllers to handle user request and route configurations to forward [...]
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Eat, sleep, code, repeat
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