Elisha Vision – Commentary


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Elisha Vision – Commentary' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. In addition 'Elisha Vision – Commentary' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Elisha Vision – Commentary' Channel

Les Lawrence - Voice of Christian Zionists

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Elisha Vision – Commentary' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

'Elisha Vision – Commentary' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are articles of intermediate readability, which make up more than one third of all content on the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up more than a quarter of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Elisha Vision – Commentary has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Israel Benghazi Cartoon

[...] an offensive launched against Islamist militias by a dissident general, Khalifa Haftar. (more) Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists        (READ MORE) [...]

Israel Should Return to 1967 Borders!

[...] this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates. Genesis 15:18 Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists      (READ MORE) [...]

Ebola in Prophecy

[...] given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists       (READ MORE) (I have taken the liberty to change the [...]

Faith Response to Ebola

[...] analysis.” (Click here for the Hebrew text and definition.) Praise God for Operation Blessing! Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists       (READ MORE) [...]

New England Ministry

[...] in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text, yet remains untranslated in most Bibles. His name, obscured for 2,500 years, is now being [...]

Jesus is a Jew

[...] in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text, yet remains untranslated in most Bibles. His name, obscured for 2,500 years, is now being [...]

Duke University Debacle

[...] in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text, yet remains untranslated in most Bibles. His name, obscured for 2,500 years, is now being [...]

The Attack on Civility

[...] in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text, yet remains untranslated in most Bibles. His name, obscured for 2,500 years, is now being [...]

A Future and a Hope

[...] to change the word “LORD” to Yehovah. Every single time you see LORD or GOD in all capital letters in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times [...]

Hamas Killing Gazans

[...] to change the word “LORD” to Yehovah. Every single time you see LORD or GOD in all capital letters in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times [...]

Despite Rockets, Jews Return to Israel from the Nations

[...] to change the word “LORD” to Yehovah. Every single time you see LORD or GOD in all capital letters in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times [...]

What is the Goal of Hamas?

[...] to change the word “LORD” to Yehovah. Every single time you see LORD or GOD in all capital letters in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times [...]

Daniel Tragerman – 4 years old

[...] . Every single time you see LORD or GOD in all capital letters in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text, yet remains untranslated in [...]

Like the Garden of Eden

[...] . Every single time you see LORD or GOD in all capital letters in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text, yet remains untranslated in [...]

Words That Kill

[...] . Every single time you see LORD or GOD in all capital letters in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text, yet remains untranslated in [...]

Rejoice for Seven Days

[...] . Every single time you see LORD or GOD in all capital letters in the Old Testament, the actual Hebrew word is Yehovah. This name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text, yet remains untranslated in [...]

Hamas’ Goal and Yehovah’s Response

During the summer Gaza conflict, I wrote about the goal of Hamas. Today I am re-posting that blog. But this text from Zechariah tells Yehovah God’s [...]

Israel Election for New Government on March 17, 2015

Flash News Update! Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired part of his ruling coalition today. This will lead to new elections on March 17. At this e [...]

Commander of the Straw Man Army

President Obama is adept at using a “straw man” to shift an argument, from the real issue to one he can easily refute. It is a form of sleight of [...]

New England Ministry

Doreen and I are excited to leave tomorrow for a 2-3 week ministry trip to New England. Your prayers would be appreciated. But first, we have the priv [...]

Patriot or Politic

[...] God on this great nation this weekend, we must pray for a revival of faith and faithfulness to Yehovah God, Who is our Source. This was proclaimed clearly in our Declaration of Independence: We hold [...]

30 Rockets in Ten Minutes

[...] five times the average salary in the Palestinian Authority. Israel Today (7-7-2114) Only Yehovah God can protect Israel. Have mercy O Lord! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Les Lawrence, [...]


[...] Koran and one-third of the usage is negative, as: “He does not love the infidel.” Yet, Yehovah God loves the whole world. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. … And [...]

Why Christmas? or, I Feel Your Pain

[...] person who literally feels all of that pain at one time. Now you begin to grasp what it was for Yehovah God Himself to be formed in the human body of a Jewish carpenter. But not as an adult, rather  [...]

Psalm 83 and Caliphate Revisited

[...] the West to open their eyes to the inevitable realities. (READ MORE) Les Lawrence, voice of Christian Zionists [...]

Come Join Our Israel Tour – February

[...] bar above “2015 Israel Tour” for registration and other information. Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists [...]

Why Hanukkah?

[...] Hanukkah begins today at sundown. Why should this be of interest to Christian Zionists? Protestant Christian tradition usually says the 400 years between the Old and New [...]

A Future and a Hope

[...] in the true peace of Jerusalem. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists.     (READ MORE) (As is my custom, I have taken the liberty to change the word “ [...]

Psalm 83 and Caliphate Revisited

[...] and now Egypt, Syria and Iraq, will continue to amplify until the fall of the Arab world to radical Islam and the revived Caliphate. The second force is spiritual. Radical Islam is above all else a [...]

The Attack on Civility

[...] we must awaken to true definitions, not only to name the main source of barbaric behavior as radical Islam, but also to define the big picture. This really is good vs. evil. It is a cosmic level fight [...]

Gaza Inconvenient Truths

[...] they have failed to do so, they will have to pay a price. YnetNews.com Here is a link to the Hamas Charter for your information. Believers need to pray for discernment as we read, listen and watch the [...]

What is the Goal of Hamas?

[...] , racial, political, or ethnic group. (definition) Here is a quote from the Preamble to the Hamas Charter: ″Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it [...]

Hamas’ Goal and Yehovah’s Response

[...] , racial, political, or ethnic group. (definition) Here is a quote from the Preamble to the Hamas Charter: ″Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it [...]

What is the Goal of Hamas?

[...] to kill 10 civilians per rocket @ 3,000 fired in four weeks, Hamas hope to kill 30,000 Israeli civilians. Does the fact that they were bad at it, or that Israel had great defense change their [...]

Hamas’ Goal and Yehovah’s Response

[...] to kill 10 civilians per rocket @ 3,000 fired in four weeks, Hamas hope to kill 30,000 Israeli civilians. Does the fact that they were bad at it, or that Israel had great defense change their [...]

?Key Phrases
Israel Benghazi Cartoon

[...] an offensive launched against Islamist militias by a dissident general, Khalifa Haftar. (more) Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists        (READ MORE) [...]

Israel Should Return to 1967 Borders!

[...] this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates. Genesis 15:18 Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists      (READ MORE) [...]

Ebola in Prophecy

[...] given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists       (READ MORE) (I have taken the liberty to change the [...]

Faith Response to Ebola

[...] analysis.” (Click here for the Hebrew text and definition.) Praise God for Operation Blessing! Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists       (READ MORE) [...]

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