Embodied Torah
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On Monday April 8, the path of a total solar eclipse will cross North America from Mexico, through Texas, up and across the central and eastern United...
In memory of Dale Krishef, Devorah bat Yoel u’Feigel. Most of us will sit shiva for two major losses during out lifetime, that of our parents; and some...
There is something majestic about the architecture of a large sanctuary that draws one’s attention upwards towards God’s presence. A room full of people...
An interview with Fred Stella, host of WGVU’s “Common Threads,” about my book, Reflections on the Psalms. The book is available on Amazon, https://www...
It’s cold and snowy outside, and nothing is growing. Trees are bare and plants and grasses around the yard are dry and dead. Yet our tradition tells us...
We, who love Judaism, probably do so because we love the holidays, the life cycle events, maybe the structure and content of prayer. We may also love...
An interview with Samuel Zinner about my book. The book is available on Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFCYR1NP. If you are in Grand Rapids, I have...
Ahavas Israel has been involved in an interfaith Thanksgiving service for at least 40-50 years, originally with a group of churches in our neighborhood...
A Hasidic teaching I studied recently suggested that God is represented by words. God is found in the words of the revelation at Sinai, the words of Torah...
My childhood rabbi died in July. Rabbi Kassel Abelson was one of the giants of the Conservative movement. He was chair of the Committee on Jewish Law...
With gratitude to the Holy One of Blessing, I am excited to announcing the publication of Rabbi Krishef’s Reflections on the Psalms! Discover how the...
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