Emily & Ryan & Henry & Walter


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last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Emily & Ryan & Henry & Walter' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Emily & Ryan & Henry & Walter' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Emily & Ryan & Henry & Walter' Channel

a blog about our family and our adventures wherever we live.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Emily & Ryan & Henry & Walter' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Emily & Ryan & Henry & Walter' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Emily & Ryan & Henry & Walter' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Emily & Ryan & Henry & Walter has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

oh the places you'll go.

[...] to do something (hm, there may be a trend here...). We wait for warmer weather. We wait to do fun things until after naptime. Waiting, waiting. Every time I read that page I vow to stop waiting. To do [...]

..And other things that happened in March.

[...] one of these posts. An etc. post. Of course there were many more things we did this month, fun things like playgroups at the Museum of Science, play school at the Trotter, etc. but we were having [...]

other adventures in may.

[...] and legs! (also, pretty sure at one point Ryan was having way more fun than Hank with all the fun things to do upstairs :) Our Memorial Day was relaxing since Ryan needed to get a jump start on his [...]

[[ode to]] to music class

[...] than fingers I have on my hands, and that is ridiculous. We went to Michelle's Mom's and Music class this spring and it was heavenly. Michelle invited me to take some pictures for her class [...]

my little new yorkers.

[...] days where we do a bajillion and one things and then there are days like today where we went to music class and a park in the morning, then another park in the afternoon before coming home and making [...]

...in a friday funk. and 5 good things about life.

[...] 'll be back next week with the regularly scheduled programming of Ryan's graduation, Henry's favorite books, and some of the cutest things Henry does/says. [...]

a few of henry's favorite books.

[...] I've been meaning to write my own little favorite books post, mostly to remind myself of his favorite books during the first half of being 2. A few are books we own, but he's got a love of the library [...]

Henry at playschool.

[...] nap from Walter or one of the boys having a terrible night's rest, I know that Henry loves it, too. It's so fun to see him play, to see his eyes light up with excitement over [...]

a few of henry's favorite books.

[...] with I'll Love you Forever and The Giving Tree...), but I just love this book and love that Henry loves it as well. It was his first big kid book that he wanted us to read over and over, so it's got [...]

conference weekend.

[...] Kaylee, and friend Chris on Saturday afternoon and eat lunch with them and then we went to a nearby playground to get Henry's wiggles out (slash reward him for not causing too much of a ruckus). I was [...]

easter weekend: friday and saturday.

[...] out in the carseat for the hour or so that we were there. After the hunt we played at the nearby playground for a bit, but Henry was getting restless so I lured him to the car with promises of Curious [...]

Seeing Santa.

[...] , we tried to buy a Christmas tree this year, a real-life tree, but the day after we bought it, Henry woke up and had hives all along his chest, and his eyes were all puffy. So, I'm not sure just what [...]

snapshots of our christmas.

[...] for a wonderful mama who made each house we lived in a home. We woke up nice and early as Henry woke up, let him open his stocking and play with the train that Santa brought and I started making [...]

mother's day and a trip to new york.

[...] we feel so much better about Ryan finding a place in August, once he's finished taking the NY Bar. *the bouquets we made for my mom, ryan's mom, and me before we left* *Gigi time on Sunday. [...]

Daddy studies and we vacation! Ohio trip 2014.

[...] Late July we traipsed to Ohio while Ryan studied for the NY Bar. Studying dads are no fun, so we like to make a getaway so Ryan doesn't feel guilty for never [...]


[...] . And that little exposed belly of Walter? Kills me every time. We did Easter eggs filled with little toys on the day after and Henry couldn't have cared less. We did do some Christ-centered FHEs [...]

[[ode to]] to music class

[...] I sing songs from the session. It's like he knows remembers how much fun he had, the little toys and cute little friends, and he just. lights. up. So grateful for amazing moms, amazing [...]

?Key Phrases
oh the places you'll go.

[...] to do something (hm, there may be a trend here...). We wait for warmer weather. We wait to do fun things until after naptime. Waiting, waiting. Every time I read that page I vow to stop waiting. To do [...]

..And other things that happened in March.

[...] one of these posts. An etc. post. Of course there were many more things we did this month, fun things like playgroups at the Museum of Science, play school at the Trotter, etc. but we were having [...]

other adventures in may.

[...] and legs! (also, pretty sure at one point Ryan was having way more fun than Hank with all the fun things to do upstairs :) Our Memorial Day was relaxing since Ryan needed to get a jump start on his [...]

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