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Exercise: One Correct the following sentences:—- 1. Are you not resembling your mother? 2. As long as we shall have differences, we shall make no progress...
Transformation: The changes in the grammatical form of sentences without changing their meaning are called ‘transformation’; as, Fortunately, all the...
Chapter 23 Preposition The Preposition: The Preposition:— A Preposition is a word used with a noun, noun-equivalent or pronoun to mark its relation...
Rule: 280. The subordinating conjunctions ‘after, before, since, if, till, until, unless, as, as soon as, when, while (when), so long as, as long as’...
Conjunction is a word used for joining words or clauses;as, 1. The boy worked hard and passed with flying colours. 2. She ran fast to win the race but...
1. The word ‘since’ (adv.) is used with perfect tense. It (since) indicates ‘a date or event between some time in the past and the present time, or the...
1. The word ‘even’ is placed before the word it modifies;as, 1. Even Mohan who has been obedient insulted his father. 2. Mohan insulted even his father...
1.When an adverb modifies an an adjective or another adverb or a phrase or a clause, the adverb usually comes before it; as, 1. They were half pleased...
Adverb: It modifies every part of speech except a noun or pronoun;as, 1. We frequently visited the temple when we lived in Ayodhya. 2. The bird flew just...
1. A participle without proper agreement or with no agreement should not be used; as, 1. Going to college a dog bit the student. (wrong. The dog...
1. When the statement introduced by ‘if or though’ is an actual fact , or which is assumed as a fact, the proper mood to be used is the Indicative...
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[...] must have success. 4. The book (not, it) that is lying on the table is not mine. 7. A relative pronoun ( who, whom, whose, which, that, as, etc.) agrees with its antecedent in number, gender and [...]
[...] me. 5. Do you know why your brothers have gone against you? 4. In sentences where the subordinate clause denotes ‘ purpose or result or effect’ if the verb in the principal clause is [...]
[...] ; is used with a ‘that–clause’ it takes an indirect object while the verb ‘say’ does not ;as, 1. The man told me what had happened with him. [...]
[...] (indirect obj) a book.(direct obj) N.B. Prepositions (to, for, etc.) must be placed if the indirect object comes after the direct object. (B) ‘Intransitive Verb’ is verb that indicates a [...]
[...] . 5. The young man wanted me to advise him whether he should abandon his village. 6. The transitive verbs ‘ order, discuss, describe, and request’ are not followed by preposition; as, 1. [...]
[...] hand over), apply, exert, revenge, hurt, injure, hide,’ are some of the transitive verbs that are followed by reflexive pronouns;as, 1. We must avail ourselves of the [...]
[...] class) passed the examination. 2. Each boy may take three tries.(not replaced by all and the plural noun) 3. All the boys were given a book each. 4. The wheels each have twelve spokes. 5. We each wish [...]
[...] anyone else’ knowing. 9. The apostrophe (‘s, s’) is not used when the plural noun is suffixed with ‘s or es’ and when the nouns are in the neuter gender;as, 1. [...]
[...] present-day English, the pronouns mentioned under ’14′, are often followed by a plural pronoun( they,them,their);as, 1. Everyone is willing to have his(their) share. 2. Everyone is [...]
[...] who obey her. 2. Two or more singular nouns/pronouns joined by ‘and’ take a plural verb;as, 1. Gold and silver are precious metal. 2. You and your friend were not present in the [...]
[...] ;its/its N.B. The pronouns in the possessive case followed by nouns/noun-equivalent are possessive adjectives. 1. These books are mine and the books lying on the table are yours. 2. We all make our [...]
[...] must have success. 4. The book (not, it) that is lying on the table is not mine. 7. A relative pronoun ( who, whom, whose, which, that, as, etc.) agrees with its antecedent in number, gender and [...]
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