Erik Emanuelli


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Erik Emanuelli' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Erik Emanuelli' Channel

SEO Guide and Blogging Tips

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Erik Emanuelli' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Erik Emanuelli' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Erik Emanuelli' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Erik Emanuelli has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

AFF Level 1 Skydive – Your First Solo Jump

[...] commenting on the quality of the launch and errors. If you did well, you are ready to go for AFF level 2! And this is the video of my AFF level 1 first solo jump! [...]

AFF Level 2 Skydive – Refine Your Body Position

[...] Almost identical to the AFF Level 1 jump. This is the time to practice the same procedures again, but you are aware of what [...]

AFF Level 4 Skydive – Practice 90 Degree Turns

[...] So you passed the AFF level 3, which is pretty hard for many, because it’s your first jump where your instructors are [...]

Aff Level 6 Skydive – Perform a Back Loop

[...] So you passed your AFF level 5? Then you are ready to go for your next jump! The level 6. You are very close to finish the [...]

AFF Level 3 Skydive – Instructors Release You

[...] to your jumpmasters let you fly alone. But if you do, this will be the first time you are in free fall with no one “holding” on to you! I’ve been flying “alone” for a [...]

AFF Level 5 Skydive – Practice 360 degree turns

[...] to perform 360 degree turns in both directions – of course if you have time during your free fall. Remember, you have just around 45/50 seconds of free fall, assuming you are falling at 50 m/s, [...]

AFF Level 4 Skydive – Practice 90 Degree Turns

[...] to perform 90 degree turns in both directions – of course if you have time during your free fall. Remember, the time is limited, so try to stay focused! A good tip is to repeat mentally the [...]

Preparatory Step : Tandem Skydive

[...] 4000 mt, or else 13000 ft. It’s my first skydiving experience, just before starting the AFF course, approaching to Level 1 Solo First Jump next week. Filmed by Fonzie. [...]

Skydiving Test 1 – Demonstrate Your Stability

[...] all by yourself. Now, the first 2 tests are generally done right after you complete the AFF course. They are pretty similar to the level 5-6-7 of AFF. The “tricky” tests are the number 3, [...]

Skydiving Test 2 – Perform 360 Degree Turns

[...] mind while skydiving. I always remember the biggest tip I’ve received since when I started my AFF course : stay relaxed in air! The second test in preparation to the skydiving written exam is not so [...]

Aff Level 6 Skydive – Perform a Back Loop

[...] course, which ends at level 7. Of course, after this you are going to face the tests after the AFF course, in order to be able in the very next future, to confront yourself taking the written test for [...]

AFF Level 7 Skydive – Perform a Front Loop

[...] your level 6, then you are ready for the last AFF level, number 7! You are at the end of your AFF training course, the 7th jump. After this, you will still need to perform some tests, in order to get [...]

Skydiving Test 1 – Demonstrate Your Stability

[...] After you completed all the 7 levels of your AFF training, you need to deal with 7 practical tests (in form of jumps) in order to take the written exams [...]

Aff Level 6 Skydive – Perform a Back Loop

So you passed your AFF level 5? Then you are ready to go for your next jump! The level 6. You are very close to finish the official AFF training cour [...]

AFF Level 7 Skydive – Perform a Front Loop

If you successfully passed your level 6, then you are ready for the last AFF level, number 7! You are at the end of your AFF training course, the 7th [...]

AFF Level 4 Skydive – Practice 90 Degree Turns

So you passed the AFF level 3, which is pretty hard for many, because it’s your first jump where your instructors are going to release you, if y [...]

AFF Level 5 Skydive – Practice 360 degree turns

After you pass level 4 of your skydiving AFF, you are ready to go for level 5. Your next stage will be very similar in content to level 4, but this t [...]

Aff Level 6 Skydive – Perform a Back Loop

[...] to exit from the aircraft with your instructor, then always check your altitude. Gain your stable position. After this, you will perform a “loop back”, a kind of summersault in mid air and [...]

Skydiving Test 2 – Perform 360 Degree Turns

[...] and similar to the AFF level 5. You will need to exit the aircraft alone and then gain your stable position. Of course keep monitoring your altitude. You will be requested to perform 360 degree turns. [...]

AFF Level 4 Skydive – Practice 90 Degree Turns

[...] practicing  to deploy your parachute once. After this, you need to be able to perform 90 degree turns in both directions – of course if you have time during your free fall. Remember, the [...]

Skydiving Test 2 – Perform 360 Degree Turns

[...] stable position. Of course keep monitoring your altitude. You will be requested to perform 360 degree turns. I had the time to perform four 360 degree turns, two left and two right. Test passed! Enjoy [...]

AFF Level 5 Skydive – Practice 360 degree turns

[...] After you pass level 4 of your skydiving AFF, you are ready to go for level 5. Your next stage will be very similar in content to level 4, [...]

Skydiving Test 1 – Demonstrate Your Stability

[...] are the number 3, 4 and 5. So let’s go back to the post title : test n. 1 – demonstrate your stability. You will need to exit from aircraft ALONE, gain your position and check [...]

?Key Phrases
AFF Level 1 Skydive – Your First Solo Jump

[...] commenting on the quality of the launch and errors. If you did well, you are ready to go for AFF level 2! And this is the video of my AFF level 1 first solo jump! [...]

AFF Level 2 Skydive – Refine Your Body Position

[...] Almost identical to the AFF Level 1 jump. This is the time to practice the same procedures again, but you are aware of what [...]

AFF Level 4 Skydive – Practice 90 Degree Turns

[...] So you passed the AFF level 3, which is pretty hard for many, because it’s your first jump where your instructors are [...]

Aff Level 6 Skydive – Perform a Back Loop

[...] So you passed your AFF level 5? Then you are ready to go for your next jump! The level 6. You are very close to finish the [...]

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