Ethiopia Observer
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Fighting over disputed areas along the borders of Tigray and Amhara regions has resulted in the displacement of nearly 29,000 people, according to the...
The Amhara regional government has accused the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) of initiating a fourth round of offensives, which it contends violates...
The Raya Alamata woreda administrator has accused Tigrayan forces of launching an attack and seizing control of the majority of the woreda’s territory...
A political officer of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), Bate Urgessa, has been shot dead and his body was found lying at the side of a road in his hometown...
Tigray region police attacked students from Mekele University as they protested to express their discontent regarding graduation timing and related issues...
Somalia has ordered Ethiopia’s ambassador to leave the country, and the closing of Ethiopia’s consulates in the breakaway region of Somaliland and the...
(Reuters)-The International Monetary Fund concluded its visit to Ethiopia to discuss a request for IMF support on Tuesday without reaching an agreement...
ከማዕረጉ በዛብህ ልሳነ ህዝብ መጽሔት ቅፅ 1 ቁጥር 3 ጥቅምት 1996 የኢትዮጵያ ዘመናዊ ዲፕሎማቲክ ታሪክ የተጀመረው በአጼ ምኒልክ ዘመን ቢሆንም የተጻፈ አይመስለኝም።የሀገራችንን ልዩ ልዩ ተቋማትና እንቅስቃሴዎች ታሪክ በመጻፍ ከፍተኛ...
In Robin Dimet’s heartfelt documentary, literary translation is a lonely, precarious pursuit. Living in a rudimentarily furnished home in Ethiopia’s capital...
Tigrayan forces and Amhara local militias engaged in armed conflict in Raya Alamata woreda, an area disputed between the Amhara and Tigray regions. The...
Two Orthodox Church priests and their families were killed by gunmen in the West Arsi and East Arsi zones of the Oromia region. According to the church...
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[...] this ancient African empire would boost his popularity beyond measure. In the Jubilee Palace of Addis Ababa he met with the Emperor Haile Selassie, who recalled with him his 1966 visit to Jamaica. On [...]
[...] -year dispute over the dam, which remains a sensitive issue, says the BBC Emmanuel Igunza in Addis Ababa. Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said discussions would aim to achieve a win-win [...]
[...] , a defense lawyer said. The order was made today at the Federal High Court in the capital, Addis Ababa, where nine out of the 10 accused are standing trial for collaborating with a U.S.-based [...]
[...] Ethiopian artist, Ermias Mazengia is scheduled to open this Saturday at LeLa Art gallery in Addis Ababa. Organizers for the exhibition have teamed up to put the exhibition together which is the [...]
[...] being a case in hand, as well as parts of the Arabian Peninsula. But because the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica (EAE) is a first of its kind, those responsible for coordinating and editing the five [...]
[...] in the coming weeks have been buying large stocks and reselling them at higher price. The Ethiopian government has asked manufacturers and traders not to hoard the commodity, the state media reported. [...]
[...] The Ethiopian government is to approve the allocation of twenty scholarships for masters and doctoral students from [...]
[...] the Red Sea as a keen naturalist and, later, having received a plot of land from the Ethiopian government, where he opened a geographical station and where he eventually died. Once again, his [...]
[...] would aim to achieve a win-win situation for all countries. Despite reassurances from the Ethiopian government that their water project poses no threat to Egypt’s share of the Nile, Egyptians are [...]
[...] the visit of the South Sudanese leader and forced them to delete images of the fall. Senior officials in both governments, including ambassador Mutrif Siddig, Sudan’s envoy to South Sudan, said [...]
[...] that the Government would “work for the formation of a transitional government.” Senior officials in the Government said General Tesfaye, who only took office as Vice President last [...]
[...] standing committee for amendments. If approved, ten south Sudan state minsters and ten senior officials of Sudan’s ministry education would benefit from the scholarship opportunities in various [...]
[...] notably at Asni Gallery, the Alliance Ethio-Francaise, the Italian Cultural Institute and LeLa art gallery, according to the press release sent to the Ethiopia Observer. According to the curator of [...]
[...] the late Ethiopian artist, Ermias Mazengia is scheduled to open this Saturday at LeLa Art gallery in Addis Ababa. Organizers for the exhibition have teamed up to put the exhibition together [...]
[...] as a studio artist as well as teaching at the Alle Felege School of Fine Arts and Design in Addis Abeba. An original member of the Dimension Group, Behailu has had more than 30 solo exhibitions [...]
[...] , an engineer by training and an assistant professor of chemical engineering at the Addis Ababa University, announced he would not withdraw from politics completely. [...]
[...] of Oromiya, and began he career as a lecturer at Jimma College of Agriculture and Addis Ababa University. The final term for Rwanda’s Donald Kaberuka, the current President of the Bank, ends [...]
[...] Before he left, Colonel Mengistu, who held the title of President, handed control of the Addis Ababa Government to his Vice President, Lieut. Gen. Tesfaye Gebre-Kidan. But the departure of Colonel [...]
[...] this ancient African empire would boost his popularity beyond measure. In the Jubilee Palace of Addis Ababa he met with the Emperor Haile Selassie, who recalled with him his 1966 visit to Jamaica. On [...]
[...] -year dispute over the dam, which remains a sensitive issue, says the BBC Emmanuel Igunza in Addis Ababa. Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said discussions would aim to achieve a win-win [...]
[...] , a defense lawyer said. The order was made today at the Federal High Court in the capital, Addis Ababa, where nine out of the 10 accused are standing trial for collaborating with a U.S.-based [...]
[...] Ethiopian artist, Ermias Mazengia is scheduled to open this Saturday at LeLa Art gallery in Addis Ababa. Organizers for the exhibition have teamed up to put the exhibition together which is the [...]
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