Eurobodalla Natural History Society
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Great news!!! While I was out with Dimitris doing Swift Parrot surveys today, we heard 2 Regent Honeyeater calling on Big Bit Rd in Boyne State Forest...
The pair of osprey were on their tree on Budd Island this afternoon. Not much change in the size of the nest. Great news on the Swift Parrot front –...
Swift Parrot surveys have recorded a smattering of birds across the shire in the past 2 weeks. Around 30 on Tomboye Rd and another 30 on Big Bit Rd in...
I drove to the end of Lattas Point Rd today and think I located the site on Budd Island that the Ospreys may be building a nest but I did not observe...
We have a pair of Eastern Osprey building a nest on Budd Island which is just west of the bridge at Batemans Bay. Peter and Heather Haughton checked the...
During Swift Parrot surveys yesterday, a female Eastern Osprey was observed building a nest in a dead tree on the island in the middle of the Clyde River...
Swift Parrot surveys on Wednesday May 11 were fruitful with 4 birds in the Bodalla State Forest on Mitchells Ridge Rd. Flowering Spotted Gum is present...
Pattie Parker has reported a Broad-billed Sandpiper at Tuross on February 7th. Malcolm Fyfe has reported that his son Duncan saw a Spangled Drongo at...
At Tuross south spit this afternoon there were 10 adult little terns, one nest with 2 eggs, one nest with 1 chick & 1 egg. 10 pied oystercatchers...
On Saturday February 13th at 2pm a birding walk is scheduled for Tebbs Road . Meg and I live at 54 Tebbs and some points may be of interest to members...
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