Even Steven Money
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Over the past 20 years of my life I have made many investing mistakes. At the same time, I have learned from these mistakes and about who I am as an...
When I talk with coaching clients one of the biggest fears I hear is investing. Anything from not having enough money to invest to not knowing what and...
I’m excited for another update in the 2019 Beat Last Year’s Budget! Check out my last update here to see how we have been doing. Each year my wife and...
Over the last year I have had paid for a haircut only twice. I have went from a shaved head and nothing more than 5 o’clock shadow to a side swept undercut...
All of my life I have been a W-2 employee. I would get a paycheck and my taxes would be taken out. After time and research I understood my investment...
During our recent trip to Italy my friends emphasized 2 crucial points. Don’t order food at restaurants with pictures on the menu and to plan ahead when...
As my wife and I talked about our slow travel vacation plans in Italy, she mentioned the usual places to visit like Rome, Florence, and Milan. However...
One of the opportunities that financial freedom can provide is the opportunity to help others. As part of our freedom we were able to travel and visit...
Over the past few years I have enjoyed each and every aspect of FinCon. This year was no different as I decided to enter my second year of volunteering...
A few years back a man who’s most famous quote is “There are no two finer words in the English language than ‘encased meats,’ my friend” retired early...
In order to pay the bills here at Even Steven Money, this post may contain affiliate links. I wrote about Webull because I wanted to test out their platform...
Unfortunately Even Steven Money has no news yet.
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[...] better, but it is not needed) and couldn’t get out of my head how similar the surge for Financial Independence has come across like a modern day gold rush, instead of traveling through the mountains [...]
[...] me I am writing this blog to hold myself accountable while I strive for my real goal of Financial Independence. I shared these thoughts with my wife and since my Mrs. Even Steven is a very private [...]
[...] plan to do a recap of August, I planned to give everyone a quarterly update on my financial independence, but something great happened that I wanted to share. Make sure to check out my first [...]
[...] Samurai, but I think they could be simplified into 3 categories. Those who want financial independence as soon as humanly possible(the 10%ers), next up those who live within their means, plan [...]
[...] ’t thinking should I pay off student loans or invest in my 401K. I was thinking let’s destroy this student loan! I had my fun studying [...]
[...] fellow blogger out there, now unless you are numb to figuring out how to pay off credit cards, student loans, or your mortgage you will do a double take and maybe even click on the link, usually [...]
[...] that I could throw at my student loan, but that went away quickly when I paid off one of my student loans all on my own. We are a Team That is the best part of all of this, while we have separate [...]
[...] . The problem is the Evil Manbear in the room, debt. Pay off your credit cards, student loans, medical debt, parents loan, the dollar you borrowed from the guy at work, the car or [...]
[...] least, a big thank you to Islands of Investing for writing a great guest post right here on Even Steven Money that discussed questions like: So what is the difference between growth and income [...]
[...] with a hands on approach plus I am starting a great financial family right here on Even Steven Money, I can share with others about my own experiences and learn from others along the way. One [...]
[...] Jordan and get paid for it. Now not surprisingly my actual name is Steven, hence the Even Steven Money. A few people use my last name or some variation of it, but only my Grandfather and Michael [...]
[...] ways to save money and I think it’s a great opportunity to get more great info out here on Even Steven Money! [...]
[...] -it note on my piggy bank on my dresser, thanks housemom! It says pay off my Discover Student Loan by May 22, 2014. So I set up my BUDGET and then did some simple math. I said [...]
[...] Debt like Ragnar. It didn’t matter if I was making 100K or 50K, I paid off that student loan, I made a goal and I reached it. I didn’t care if a commenter said yeah but you [...]
[...] be the secret frugal mofo way. My original plan was to not shave until I pay off my student loan, which I mention in my financial independence update is an uber aggressive 9 month [...]
[...] accomplishments holding myself accountable. I want to share with everyone when I pay off my student loan, my rental property, my mortgage, max out my 401K, H.S.A, IRA, and when I reach that point of [...]
[...] and one we have chosen, owner occupied investment real estate. The strategy behind the rental income is to have a tenant pay for your mortgage over the life of the loan. Assuming you have a 100K [...]
[...] and use the rental income as our primary source of passive income.I can’t wait. Landlord Confession: I Raised the Rent [...]
[...] eventually the mortgage is going to be paid off and those same mortgage payments are now all Rental Income, that’s a Big Profit. One of the best ways to build wealth is through real [...]
[...] progress accountable and get help from a great community of personal finance bloggers. RENTAL INCOME As you can see in my About Me page, our current plan for financial independence is October [...]
[...] I am a relatively new blogger with 3 months under my belt in the big leagues of personal finance blogging, well I am in the minor leagues, the blogs I read are the major leagues. Before I [...]
[...] start your blog? I started my blog for a number of reasons. I love talking about money and personal finance, I wanted to share my experiences and ideas with everyone, I wanted accountability and to [...]
[...] it’s a great way to meet and great with other like-minded people about blogging and personal finance. It’s like having hundreds of mentors who have “been there” [...]
[...] is For Me, I’m sure there is something in the middle, there is more than one road in personal finance. I came across Frugal Rules on his thoughts on summer vacation while blogging on Dimespring. [...]
[...] one for about the first 28 years of my life. Guess what I was in credit card and student loan debt, but I didn’t have a budget! Idiota!! That’s Spanish for exactly [...]
[...] to hand out my fresh $20 bills from the golf course, I needed this money for credit card and student loan debt, plus what if it cost more than I had in my wallet, I needed the credit card. I had never [...]
[...] I still owe an updated look at my eBay business, coming soon I promise. I had a lot of student loan debt when I started my goal and I’m getting closer to getting rid of my student loans forever. [...]
[...] just like this. Debt Repayment In July I created a personal challenge to pay off all of my student loan debt by the end of April 2015, I have paid off another student loan previously, but this goal is [...]
I want to give a big thank you to Joshua Rodriguez over at cnafinance for having selected me to guest post. Please make your way over by cl [...]
[...] my 2005 Mercedes Benz. Let me tell you a little bit about how I made on of the worst financial decisions of my life. Basically fresh from college I was able to obtain my first job, nothing [...]
[...] and use Blue Host, check to see if your domain name is available here, it’s one of the best financial decisions I have ever made. [...]
[...] came up. It’s amazing to me sometimes how much Get Rich Slowly has influenced me in financial decisions and improving my overall financial knowledge, thanks JD! I took a few of the tips [...]
[...] better, but it is not needed) and couldn’t get out of my head how similar the surge for Financial Independence has come across like a modern day gold rush, instead of traveling through the mountains [...]
[...] me I am writing this blog to hold myself accountable while I strive for my real goal of Financial Independence. I shared these thoughts with my wife and since my Mrs. Even Steven is a very private [...]
[...] plan to do a recap of August, I planned to give everyone a quarterly update on my financial independence, but something great happened that I wanted to share. Make sure to check out my first [...]
[...] Samurai, but I think they could be simplified into 3 categories. Those who want financial independence as soon as humanly possible(the 10%ers), next up those who live within their means, plan [...]
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