Every Day is Taco Tuesday
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Dear E, I could (and often do) complain about how fast the time goes. How the first year flew by… But what I want to remember is not how quickly time...
E really, really likes popsicles. And ice cream. (We are prepping for the sugar rush next week for her birthday cake.)
New discoveries, new strategies to combat them. Though other than retiring the mamaroo, I can’t think of another way in which to stop it. Oh well. Natural...
And here, I was worried she’d have straight hair! (Only because I’d be at a loss with how to deal with it.) P.S. She was sporting another whale-spout...
E’s new favorite: pens. She likes to pretend to scribble on paper (we can’t tell if she’s a righty or lefty yet – she uses both)…or mommy and daddy...
Freakin’ weekend! (Finally.) Summer is moving way too fast for my liking. Before we know it, I’ll be stuck indoors! At least this winter, E might have...
The days go by slowly, but the months fly by… There are only two months left until my baby turns 1! I set a date for the party/open house, but I need...
I’ve decided that I need to have a few “feature” type posts. It’s really easy to just forget I have this blog, and by the time I remember and write something...
Josh, It wasn’t long ago that you became a father. I knew before I became pregnant that you’d be an amazing one. What I found out is that you’re not...
Oh, the adventures of a little 8 month old… It is quite true that each milestone is better than the last. She has become very interactive and playful...
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TGIF! Finally. I’ve already managed to spill coffee on my shirt…can I go home now? This has been one of those weeks I haven’t wanted to do a [...]
Oh Friday, where have you been this week? You waited too long to show up. Next week: try harder. Today marks the official 31st week of pregnancy. I [...]
Is it really August already? I shouldn’t be surprised, but each week it just become more unbelievable. Thirty two weeks down, 8 more to go. As Toez [...]
This week went by faster than expected, which is surprising to me. LOOK AT HOW BIG SHE IS. Josh and I went to my 32 week appointment on Tuesday. The [...]
[...] . Poor Miss Evie: this is her second cold in the span of the month. And it comes on the heels of a fever (from [...]
[...] ’ve shared their heartfelt wishes and congratulations. Who have stopped over to meet Miss Evie, who’ve given her such thoughtful and cute gifts. Who’ve offered to babysit. [...]
[...] to pick up some things for the last few weeks, but I wouldn’t trade it. —————— Miss Evie is growing and changing so much already. She is so much more alert and has been [...]
[...] through the weekends where there’s never enough time – spending the “awake” hours with Miss Evie, working on those naps, and getting sh*t done around the house so Josh and I can stay [...]
[...] ’s 2015. Sigh. Time just keeps speeding up! As you have probably seen from my Facebook, Miss Baby (as we affectionately call Evie) is three months old. Almost four, really. I swear, that [...]
[...] out was a success. On Saturday, we managed to make a breakfast run for my birthday with the Miss Baby. She did quite well! We didn’t let her order off the menu, so she had to be content with just [...]
[...] :45 this morning, not because she woke up but because I have to get myself ready before I wake up Miss Baby so I can get her to daycare, and drive to work so I’m there at 8. My boobs are constantly [...]
[...] have a wonderful holiday with family and friends! We miss you all. Please come visit us while Miss Baby is still a baby. [All photos in this post were taken by Megan of wildlove photography!! I highly [...]
[...] the cradle to pass down. Speaking of heirlooms, anyone want a 120+ year old doll??? (c) Wildlove Photography. And yes, it’s from our engagement photos (blame Josh). [...]
[...] My tiny baby is 12 weeks old already. (c) to the amazing Megan Wilson Eckers of wildlove photography. Time moves a lot faster than I had imagined. I have yet to come down from the adrenaline [...]
Josh and I had a pretty eventful weekend. Here we are, on our way to the pizza farm. (I think he likes taking selfies.) Pizza farm day was Saturday. [...]
Josh and I had a good time this past 3-day weekend. On Saturday, we were back in our hometown for his friend’s party, and we decided to drive throu [...]
Is it really August already? I shouldn’t be surprised, but each week it just become more unbelievable. Thirty two weeks down, 8 more to go. As Toez [...]
[...] Josh and I had a pretty eventful weekend. Here we are, on our way to the pizza farm. (I think he likes taking selfies.) Pizza farm [...]
[...] It wasn’t an eventful weekend, but I did get a few things done around the house. My parents came over on Saturday to give [...]
[...] atypical. Have a happy T-Give with your families! Keep following my Facebook for more Evie photos. (Posting those is a lot easier than finding time to write here, but I’ll keep updating [...]
Evie’s first few days consisted of lots of snuggles – from mom and dad, and visitors. Oh, and nurses. We didn’t get a whole lot of sleep with t [...]
TGIF! Finally. I’ve already managed to spill coffee on my shirt…can I go home now? This has been one of those weeks I haven’t wanted to do a [...]
Oh Friday, where have you been this week? You waited too long to show up. Next week: try harder. Today marks the official 31st week of pregnancy. I [...]
Is it really August already? I shouldn’t be surprised, but each week it just become more unbelievable. Thirty two weeks down, 8 more to go. As Toez [...]
This week went by faster than expected, which is surprising to me. LOOK AT HOW BIG SHE IS. Josh and I went to my 32 week appointment on Tuesday. The [...]
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