Every Veteran Hired
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We here at Every Veteran Hired talk a lot about the tools, tips and tricks to securing employment upon your return. And while it’s important to replicate...
Networking is well-recognized as one of the tools you need to find a job, advance your career and learn new skills to improve your professional development...
Why, after a successful career in the military, would a veteran want to do an internship before diving into a new job? Here are the top six reasons why...
One of the most under-appreciated and undervalued skill sets veterans possess for civilian employers is the ability to combine a command-and-control culture...
As a veteran, you’ve faced far more frightening and serious situations than the job interview. Yet for many, the thought of entering the civilian workforce...
Do you Tweet? There, I asked it. Now before you start rolling your eyes and sighing, let me ask you a question: If you’ve read my previous posts, have...
One of the things I see with 99% of all veterans looking to start a civilian career is the use of “we” and not “I” when we talk about ourselves. This...
According to a 2013 Forbes article, in 2012 nearly 80 percent of the 3.6 million job openings were never advertised. This means that if you’re submitting...
A Pew Research Center report on post 9/11 veterans in America detailed both the pride and the problems that have faced the most recent generation of America...
This is the third in a three-part series. For the other posts in the series, click here. 7. You’re An Effective Communicator, but Your Resume Says Otherwise...
Despite all of the challenges facing veterans, they remain proud of their service and view their service and combat experience as a positive experience...
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[...] The post 6 Military Skills You Can Use to Advance Your Civilian Career appeared first on Every Veteran Hired. [...]
[...] : Photobucket The post Are You Hiring? Here’s Why You Should Hire a Vet appeared first on Every Veteran Hired. [...]
[...] Clear on What You Have to Offer Civilian Employers With a Master Resume appeared first on Every Veteran Hired. [...]
[...] Need to Recognize About Veterans to Bring Value to the Workplace appeared first on Every Veteran Hired. [...]
[...] and serious situations than the job interview. Yet for many, the thought of entering the civilian workforce comes with a myriad of concerns and challenges. I wrote a whole book to help you in the [...]
[...] the top six reasons why an internship can be be perfect for veterans transitioning to the civilian workforce: 1. Gain Skills and Experience After being out of the job market, veterans need to gain on- [...]
[...] resumes since attending Transition GPS: “Military Professional,Transitioning to Civilian Workforce in Summer 2014” “Transitioning Military Officer” ”Transitioning XXX with Executive [...]
[...] to the commander of a Warrior Transition Battalion recently about the transition to the civilian workforce, and he said something very simple and easy to forget: “What would help is to lay out the [...]
[...] often, veterans only consider their technical skills and do not leverage their full range of military skills for business. My book, Combat Leader to Corporate Leader, gives veterans 20 ways to [...]
[...] people who show how they can grow revenue, solve operational problems and reduce costs. The military skills veterans have can help a company succeed. Business needs to focus on how to translate and [...]
[...] and applying his military experience. As Lafley and others have demonstrated, translating military skills and experience works well for business. Employer To-Do #1: Look Beyond a Veteran’s Rank, [...]
[...] ’s workforce attributes (dedication, initiative, leadership, ethics and safety focus) with military skills that are adapted to a new career is unstoppable. Listed below are six military skill sets [...]
[...] processes and systems that support mission excellence and adapt only necessary elements. Military veterans add value to businesses because they know both how to follow and how to adapt a plan to [...]
[...] bring to business. My goal is to give you three items that will highlight the value military veterans bring to your organizations. My bottom line: Military veterans have more benefit for your [...]
[...] technique is to look through the work biographies of key leaders to see if any of them are military veterans. Vets nearly always help other vets. Use your local library, both the physical location and [...]
[...] Military veterans become great employees for companies and government agencies when they translate, adapt and [...]
[...] , whether physical or invisible. It’s important to know from the very beginning that potential employees need only disclose disabilities if and when they need an accommodation to perform essential [...]
[...] also want these managers to use initiative to identify new trends, clothing styles and potential employees. The Spectrum of Improvisation Military and businesspeople have to employ a “Spectrum of [...]
[...] in planning, post-completion problem analysis, the use of rehearsals, competitive analysis, team leadership, coaching, risk management, back-up plans, war gaming and networking. What follows are three [...]
[...] in planning, post-completion problem analysis, the use of rehearsals, competitive analysis, team leadership, coaching, risk management, backup plans, war gaming and decision-making. These skill sets [...]
[...] goals. (Like this thought? Tweet it!) Here are three specific ways you can use your military leadership skills to add value to your new civilian organization: 1. Use Commander’s Intent to Support [...]
[...] many employers hold about the value of these skills. Why Companies Should Think About Hiring Veterans A few years back, the think tank CNAS conducted thorough interviews of 69 different [...]
The transition from active duty service member to civilian is a tumultuous endeavor. A bevy of challenges await recently discharged military personnel [...]
[...] time, schedule another meeting time, and see if they can recommend 2-3 other potential networking contacts you can talk to. Enter these new prospective contacts and the results of your [...]
[...] The post 6 Military Skills You Can Use to Advance Your Civilian Career appeared first on Every Veteran Hired. [...]
[...] : Photobucket The post Are You Hiring? Here’s Why You Should Hire a Vet appeared first on Every Veteran Hired. [...]
[...] Clear on What You Have to Offer Civilian Employers With a Master Resume appeared first on Every Veteran Hired. [...]
[...] Need to Recognize About Veterans to Bring Value to the Workplace appeared first on Every Veteran Hired. [...]
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