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Markus Persson (known to most by his screen name “Notch”), Creator of the immensely popular Minecraft, posted his experiment “Cliffhorse...
It’s time to see what FlutterCoin has been up to lately. I did find out there are FLT T-Shirts now, and so far, I’ve managed to keep myself...
The Darkcoin price skyrocketed on the eve of the masternode hard fork, rising more than 2000% in a month. However, recently the Darkcoin price has experienced...
A friend recently asked me: “what are the negatives of accepting Bitcoin payments?” which made me stop and think how I had never completely...
Welcome back to another Bitcoin News in Review, where we feature some of our top stories of the week here on CryptoCoins News. This week, Apple revised...
The bitcoin community has been critical for the past two days of the increasing hash rate of the biggest bitcoin mining pool Ghash which states that it...
For the final article of today, I wanted to talk to our readers about the DigitalCoin 2.0 Core software update which was released earlier today. Do keep...
There are plenty of things going on in the world of Crypto which I really do not understand. Most of those things don’t influence me directly either...
The search for new,innovative and awesome coins continues on this Sunny Sunday, as the next coin that somewhat caught my attention is called HonorCoin...
Up next on the “coins-i-really-want-to-inform-you-guys-about” , is a relatively new (relaunched) Crypto called BoostCoin, or BOST. Not sure...
Singapore is the perfect place to sell and store precious metals thanks to its stable government and friendly tax environment, says the co-founder of...
Unfortunately Everything BitcoinEverything Bitcoin has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] The post Government Bans Professor Mining for Bitcoin with Supercomputer appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine. [...]
[...] more information, check out Swarm. The post Swarm Redefines Crowdfunding appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine. [...]
[...] of Bristol. The post Satoshipoint Launch Party, ATM’s in the UK! appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine. [...]
[...] accumulated prize. The post Brazil World Cup Gets Unique Bitcoin Bookies appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine. [...]
[...] next coin that somewhat caught my attention is called HonorCoin. They also provide an “anonymity Airdrop”, so I guess we better figure out what that means, right? The main reason for the [...]
[...] interview today on CNBC that Ebay may very soon start accepting Bitcoin and integrating the digital currency into its payment processing platform PayPal. In the interview, he also said he owns Bitcoin [...]
[...] market share and investor interest with each passing month. Yet, in the Middle East, digital currency remains a fringe prospect in the eyes of the region’s financial players. A small [...]
[...] basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities. Absurdness of Mining Bitcoin Right Now with a Supercomputer In December 2013, Nathaniel Popper of the New York Times [...]
[...] Review Guidelines to allow bitcoin (and other cryptocurrency) apps, Facebook approved a Dogecoin tipping app, Citibank missed the point of Bitcoin, and more. Check out this […] The post [...]
[...] The bitcoin community has been critical for the past two days of the increasing hash rate of the biggest bitcoin [...]
[...] on hitting their goals and launching a platform that allows for crowd sales throughout the Bitcoin community, which is something many have been seeking out. After its initial funding period, Swarm [...]
[...] amount raised in 2013 by more than $27m. So far in 2014, $115.2m has flowed into bitcoin businesses, which is 30% greater than the total amount figure for last year, or $88m. In 2012, [...]
[...] , Directors and CEO’s from a variety of some well known and some emerging bitcoin businesses were in attendance, Blockchain, XBTerminal, BitXLiquidity, Banktothefuture, IBWT, Multibit, [...]
[...] The amount of venture capital raised by bitcoin startups this year has already surpassed the total amount raised in 2013 by more than $27m. So far in [...]
A National Science Foundation (NSF) researcher has been barred from working with the US government following the discovery that he used federally fund [...]
[...] The post Government Bans Professor Mining for Bitcoin with Supercomputer appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine. [...]
[...] more information, check out Swarm. The post Swarm Redefines Crowdfunding appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine. [...]
[...] of Bristol. The post Satoshipoint Launch Party, ATM’s in the UK! appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine. [...]
[...] accumulated prize. The post Brazil World Cup Gets Unique Bitcoin Bookies appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine. [...]
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- Mohammed Amine BENABDALLAH
Indiatimes.com brings you the news, articles, stories and videos on entertainment, latest lifestyle, culture and new tec...
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