FCP Euro DIY Blog
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As your beloved Volvo ages, more and more of the suspension is wearing out and can make funny clunking noises.
Due to the AWD design of the B6/B7, the front of the engine needs to be positioned in front of the front axle because of the transmission.
Drive belt tensioners are a sometimes overlooked maintenance item, if your car has 100K-200K miles on the clock then it could need replacement. As the...
Making your car last a million miles can either be a joyful or a dreadful experience. If you’ve got a rust bucket that’s nearing a million miles out of...
Not having air blowing in the cabin, either from AC or heating, is usually electrical in nature and can be quickly narrowed down to either fuses, the...
Even the best kept Volvo can unavoidably feel, well, old. While it would certainly be a tall order to refresh every surface and restore every nook and...
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