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S eparated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and...
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control over the situation. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost...
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control over the situation. far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated...
Before Sunday UEFA Qualifying game with Gibraltar, the Poland National Football Team arrived at Flyspot for an alternative training session. Visit to...
Przygotowująca się do niedzielnego meczu eliminacji mistrzostw Europy z Gibraltarem Polska reprezentacja piłkarska gościła we Flyspot. Nasi piłkarze pojawili...
For some time now, when you’re driving route S2, or so called old Poznań route, right after your leave Warsaw before reaching Ożarów Mazowiecki, you will...
Jadac trasą S2 czy starą trasą poznańską tuż za Warszawą, a przed Ożarowem Mazowieckim, od niedwana widać futurystycznę budowlę. Ciężko jej nie zobaczyć...
The grand opening of the most advanced wind tunnel in Poland is now history. Although Flyspot has been working and open for everyone for three months...
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[...] Alex Duncan, one of the best wingsuit flyers in the world, was in the wind tunnel in Warsaw. An Australian-born diver, now living in France, chose Flyspot to prepare for the [...]
[...] The grand opening of the most advanced wind tunnel in Poland is now history. Although Flyspot has been working and open for everyone for three [...]
[...] players. Only few of the coaching staff had known that the training is to be held at a wind tunnel. As it turned out, it was a bingo. The team was greeted by Michał Braszczyński, the [...]
[...] Before Sunday UEFA Qualifying game with Gibraltar, the Poland National Football Team arrived at Flyspot for an alternative training session. Visit to Flyspot was a [...]
[...] Alex Duncan, one of the best wingsuit flyers in the world, was in the wind tunnel in Warsaw. An Australian- [...]
[...] cars. Passing right by the building. The puzzle was solved not long ago. It’s the most advanced wind tunnel in the world. Open for a couple of months now. Is this sea of concrete to bring to mind [...]
[...] The grand opening of the most advanced wind tunnel in Poland is now history. Although Flyspot has been working and open for everyone for [...]
The grand opening of the most advanced wind tunnel in Poland is now history. Although Flyspot has been working and open for everyone for three months, [...]
For some time now, when you’re driving route S2, or so called old Poznań route, right after your leave Warsaw before reaching Ożarów Mazowiecki, [...]
[...] Alex Duncan, one of the best wingsuit flyers in the world, was in the wind tunnel in Warsaw. An Australian-born diver, now living in [...]
[...] Flying Alex Duncan, a member of the Turbolenza team, has decided to come to Warsaw Flyspot tunnel to perfect his skills. “It’s the first time I’m flying in a tunnel. But quickly, [...]
[...] friends. Let’s not to forget about those without whom the impressive highly advanced tunnel Flyspot, placed in a very unusual building, wouldn’t have come into being. The first to speak [...]
The grand opening of the most advanced wind tunnel in Poland is now history. Although Flyspot has been working and open for everyone for three months, [...]
[...] Alex Duncan, one of the best wingsuit flyers in the world, was in the wind tunnel in Warsaw. An Australian-born diver, now living in France, chose Flyspot to prepare for the [...]
[...] The grand opening of the most advanced wind tunnel in Poland is now history. Although Flyspot has been working and open for everyone for three [...]
[...] players. Only few of the coaching staff had known that the training is to be held at a wind tunnel. As it turned out, it was a bingo. The team was greeted by Michał Braszczyński, the [...]
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