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God was never in need to commit suicide nor slaughter a son to then become able to bestow His Grace and Mercy upon us. God is the Creator of man and not...
One of the biggest misunderstandings of those after Jesus, especially in what developed and became Christianity as we know it today, is the understanding...
(Source: Kurt Eichenwald / Newsweek 2014-12-23) They wave their Bibles at passersby, screaming their condemnations of homosexuals. They fall on their...
Islam is the religion of God since the first of mankind until the last. It is the continuous message of pure monotheism which was revealed to the past...
Christians often attempt to (mis)quote the Quran against Muslims where Allah says: ﴾And We sent not before you except men to whom We inspired [past prophets...
One of the most perplexing scenarios to non-Muslims and new Muslims alike is the division they may see between Shiites and Sunni Muslims. Some tend to...
All praise is due to Allah. May His prayers and blessings be upon his Last Messenger and on all those who follow the path of righteousness until the Last...
The One God of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe that there is only one God. In the Jewish scriptures, God is...
“I will raise up for them a prophet like you (Moses) from among their brothers (Arabs). And I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them...
Islam and Muslims The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’, and is derived from a word meaning ‘peace’. As such, the religion of Islam teaches that...
Which Is The True Religion Of God? Each person is born in a circumstance which is not of his own choosing. The religion of his family or the ideology...
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[...] Which Is The True Religion Of God? Each person is born in a circumstance which is not of his own choosing. The religion [...]
[...] been on God’s religion, because the religion of Jesus and all the other Prophets is the true religion of God. But they changed it and became unbelievers.” I asked him: “Then, sir, what is [...]
[...] Some people may postpone their conversion to Islam, though they believe it to be the true religion of God, due to some misconceptions. They may think that things like changing their name, [...]
[...] ask the people of the message if you do not know.﴿ [Surat an-Nahl, 16:43] The Quran is the final revelation from Allah and as such guaranteed by Him to be perfectly preserved. One aspect of this [...]
[...] with the final messenger, Muhammad ﷺ, who was sent for all nations and the Quran as the final revelation to him is the only direct and literal Word of God to be perfectly preserved (word for word) [...]
[...] God Himself and clearly mentioned in the final scripture which He revealed to man. In that final revelation, called in Arabic the Qur’an Allah states the following: “This day have I perfected your [...]
[...] , God revived the lost message of previous prophets by sending the Prophet Muhammad with His final revelation, the Holy Quran, to all of mankind. Since the Prophet Muhammad was the final prophet, God [...]
Islam is the name God gave to his religion, it is not named after a person, place or ethnic group. Islam is God’s religion which was sent to all the [...]
Adam said, God is one worship Him. Noah said, God is one worship Him. Abraham said, God is one worship Him. Isaac said, God is one worship Him. Ja [...]
CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY AFTER A DREAM? Having discussed Islam and Christianity with hundreds of people it is not an exaggeration to say that a super [...]
Which Is The True Religion Of God? Each person is born in a circumstance which is not of his own choosing. The religion of his family or the ideology [...]
[...] created when we all know it is to worship Allah?!” But wait. If this is presented to a non-Muslim, the next logical question would be, “Why [...]
[...] is hidden. Never said I to aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, “Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord’: And I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them;when [...]
[...] no idea that Allah, was our God and that no one told us that we were only supposed to worship Allah alone. Allah went on to further explain that: “It was also in case you should say, ‘ [...]
[...] Salman al-Farsi (the Persian) was a Christian scholar during the 600′s who studied under many scholars and priests who were upon the original [...]
[...] with what all the previous prophets taught (see “One God One Message“). There was a Christian Scholar, known for his piety, named Salman the Persian who lived during this time and [...]
[...] less under the pressures of the new church and it’s spread. There is a famous story of the Christian Scholar from Persia, Salman the Persian, who converted to Christianity and then studied under [...]
[...] (specifically) to await the coming of the next prophet as well as the famous story of a Christian Scholar, Salman the Persian, who studied with the top scholars and priests. His final teacher said [...]
[...] Have questions? We have volunteers on standby waiting for you to chat with them by clicking the chat button in the bottom right of the page right now! [...]
[...] God’s peace and blessings be upon all of His prophets. Would you like to know more? Click the chat button on the right! [...]
[...] the prophets of God and their righteous followers. by Bilal Philips Have questions? Click the chat button on the right to chat us now! [...]
[...] . Further reading can be found here, please chat with us if you have any questions with the Chat Button on this page! [...]
[...] of modern day Christianity, literally article number 1 of their faith. The consistent and true message of salvation that God has given the first of mankind until us today is to seek salvation [...]
[...] the right to be worshipped except I, therefore worship Me.’” (Quran 21:25) However, the true message of these prophets was either lost or got corrupted over time. Even the most recent books, [...]
[...] ) the Prophet Muhammad was born and then fulfilled the prophecies while reviving the true message of Jesus which is exactly in line with what all the previous prophets taught (see “One [...]
[...] , like Salman the Persian about 150 years after these events they narrate that the true message of Jesus had nearly disappeared. Salman the Persian was specifically advised to go and [...]
Which Is The True Religion Of God? Each person is born in a circumstance which is not of his own choosing. The religion of his family or the ideology [...]
[...] Which Is The True Religion Of God? Each person is born in a circumstance which is not of his own choosing. The religion [...]
[...] been on God’s religion, because the religion of Jesus and all the other Prophets is the true religion of God. But they changed it and became unbelievers.” I asked him: “Then, sir, what is [...]
[...] Some people may postpone their conversion to Islam, though they believe it to be the true religion of God, due to some misconceptions. They may think that things like changing their name, [...]
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