Fashion Parkway
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“Everything started in 2010 when I was asked to design a collection of jewelry for a company that makes cameos,” said Ariela, creator of the brand Bisou...
If you ask me (a college level sophomore with a questionably unhealthy obsession with fashion) where I find my inspiration or where I picture my dream...
I looked into my jewelry collection and realized that I have no delicate silver necklaces. Unacceptable! I seemed to have an abundant amount of gold...
Many people get fashion and style confused. Many people keep up with the Joneses… They keep up with the trends, know all the latest fashions, have all...
It’s no secret for those who know me: I am a (NPA) nail polish addict. I collect nail polish. I crave it. I am close to having a bottle of nail polish...
We still have a few months of cold weather ahead of us (at least here in Boston), but spring is on everyone’s minds. So, what better way to prepare than...
From a young age, I was aware that my skin was particularly pale, pasty in fact. Some said I was blue-white in color, a comment that scarred me as a child...
Valentine’s Day is coming up, celebrate with this super easy and cute Fashion DIY Heart Stamped Ombre Shirt It only took me 10 minutes! Pair with skinny...
Despite the weather and low temperatures, I still want to wear my shorts. These pictures were taken close to the sea; I love going there for walks and...
For years, real women have both envied and railed against stick-thin, picture-perfect beauties modeling our favorite brands. So, what are we doing about...
With the new year in full swing, us ‘budget fashionistas’ are experiencing shopping withdrawal after dishing out on holiday gifts! From time to time ...
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