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I vividly remember it like it was just yesterday, but it’s actually already 11 years ago. I’m talking about the year that Dragonball Z got...
In this article I would like to go over a topic that happens to me a lot on a regular basis! And I’m talking about the topic of “Bodyweight...
What you know about the running, the stretching, the kata’s, the weapons? I know, this is a weird way to open up an article, but I have a very...
Ok, before I continue with this article, I want to assure you and let you know that I’m NOT saying that what Bane did in The Dark Knight Rises as...
It was back in December of 2011 that I stumbled upon this video of the Recruiting Recruitement for the Calisthenics Kingz on Youtube! Which...
Lets talk about One of the Most Fun Feat of Strength to do (at least, in my opinion!), I’m talking about: Card Tearing! Yes indeed, Shredding through...
All of a sudden it hit me! The Cool correlation between Steel Scrolling & Kettlebell Juggling came to the light for me, and I was flabbergasted...
How would you like to literally have DESTRUCTION in your Hands? That you’de be able to literally Bend and Break Steel with your Bare hands...
Yes indeed, you read that right comrade! There are at least 11 reasons why you must do Isometrics in your Training Routine if you desire Super Human Strength...
This is 10% Luck, 20% Skill, 15% Concentrated Power of Will, 5% Pleasure, 50% Pain, and a 100% Reason to Remember the Name! Obviously for the people...
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[...] All of a sudden it hit me! The Cool correlation between Steel Scrolling & Kettlebell Juggling came to the light for me, and I was flabbergasted that I hadn’t figured it out or [...]
[...] prevent Hand injuries and Overtraining, and a whole lot more! It’s exactly like Logan Christopher said about this E-book, it’s the Definitive Guide to Card Tearing – Period! And [...]
[...] still don’t believe me and think I’m full of sh*t, then ask strong dudes like Logan Christopher, Ryan Pitts, Ben Bergman, Stan Tomajko, Frank DiMeo, Tomas Valverde and Zack Zeller how much [...]
[...] alongside these living Legends! I’m talking about none other then Bud Jeffries and Logan Christopher, as well as Ryan Pitts! Now all of these Super Strong dudes have their own sites and have a [...]
[...] without a Shred of a single Doubt! Don’t believe me? Just ask Bud Jeffries and Logan Christopher for Example… 2 of my Coaches and Mentors who’ve made the biggest and Most [...]
[...] If You Desire Strength, Speed and to Be Super Human”. Written by none other then Bud Jeffries! I must say so myself and admit that this Free Report is off the hook and phenomenally [...]
[...] and LEGIT strongmen and phyiscal culturists out there, such as yours truly, Logan Christopher, Bud Jeffries, Noah Jeffries, Ben Bergman, Adam T. Glass, Ryan Pitts, Pat Povilaitis, David Wigren, Mike [...]
[...] my fellow Strongman Comrade, whom also happens to be a good friend of mine, none other than Bud Jeffries himself. And guess what? He told me on a whim, without even blinking an eye, that he [...]
[...] to have performed alongside these living Legends! I’m talking about none other then Bud Jeffries and Logan Christopher, as well as Ryan Pitts! Now all of these Super Strong dudes have their [...]
[...] to that point! Then I’m a happy man and I’v done my job! In Strength & Health! Matti Marzel! [...]
[...] more than enough food for thought for the time being. Have at it! To Your Strength AND Health! Matti Marzel [...]
[...] of Grip Strength, it’s up and-incoming Strongman of Unlimited Potential, is my dude, Matti Marzel. He has the Distinct Power of having some of the Toughest Hands in the world, Bending and [...]
[...] ! To the both of us! Let’s become Legendary, starting today! In Strength & Health! Matti Marzel! [...]
[...] ! Yup, I’m talking about the Feats of Strength: How to Train and Perform like an Oldetime Strongmen 4 DVD’s set! That’s right, 4 DVD’s! Jam packed with phenomenal helpful [...]
[...] & Might site! Very Good, Awesome & Cool site about everything related to Training, Oldetime Strongmen, Feats of Strength & Physical Culturists! Make sure you check it out and sign-up/ [...]
[...] World that we know of and Love very much! One thing’s for sure: we WILL make the Oldetime Strongmen, that have passed away for some time now, VERY proud! I can picture and visualize Arthur [...]
[...] I’m not just being an extremist over here, I’ve got the proof from the Oldetime Strongmen of the Golden Era themselves, who were HEAVILY into Training EXTREMELY HARD and [...]
[...] ;t believe me and think I’m full of sh*t, then ask strong dudes like Logan Christopher, Ryan Pitts, Ben Bergman, Stan Tomajko, Frank DiMeo, Tomas Valverde and Zack Zeller how much it has helped [...]
[...] ! I’m talking about none other then Bud Jeffries and Logan Christopher, as well as Ryan Pitts! Now all of these Super Strong dudes have their own sites and have a TON of Free [...]
[...] more! The Modern Time Scrollers: Yours Truly, Bud Jeffries, Noah Jeffries, Logan Christopher, Ryan Pitts, Adam T. Glass, Jedd Johnson, Mike Rinderle, David Wigren, Stan Tomajko, Dennis Rogers, John [...]
[...] there’s anyone out there today other than myself, Dennis Rogers, Logan Christopher, Ryan Pitts or Bud Jeffries for that matter, who can teach you the Value of Grip Strength, [...]
[...] & Physical Culture Revolution with me, is to SHOW the World who are the REAL & LEGIT Strongmen (and Strongwomen) + Physical Culturists out there! In other words: He’s putting out [...]
[...] my friends, is very bad news and not good whatsoever. Because it makes the REAL and LEGIT strongmen and phyiscal culturists out there, such as yours truly, Logan Christopher, Bud [...]
[...] be a HELL YEAH! And that’s not even the best part out of performing as a LEGIT Oldetime Strongmen, what comes after perfroming as a Oldetime Strongmen and the reputation and recognition [...]
[...] IF you truly and wholeheartedly want all of this, that is: Being able to do all of the Oldetime Strongmen Feats of Strength and to perform like an LEGIT Oldetime Strongmen, wowing a crowd and getting [...]
[...] All of a sudden it hit me! The Cool correlation between Steel Scrolling & Kettlebell Juggling came to the light for me, and I was flabbergasted that I hadn’t figured it out or [...]
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