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What do you think? Is this “Like” war worth the pains? No doubt Facebook has become a very important part of our life. No wonder, [...] The post Is Facebook...
Film Festival O, a new online international indie film festival, have opened up late submissions to filmmakers for this year’s festival. This year’s entries...
Creating films in indie world, more often then not, means passion not profession. You may reach the sky with your creative abilities and hard work, yet...
The subject of Hell is as universal as it gets. Hell, with so many meanings, associations, and emotions it arouses, has for thousands of years fascinated...
Generally I leave the blockbuster reviews to blockbuster media. Generally. After seeing Ex Machina however I felt I had to have my say as well. Most reviews...
Jesteś filmowcem bądź producentem filmów niezależnych? Nowy model dystrybucji i promocji filmu niezależnego puka do Twoich drzwi. Przywitaj się z samodzielną...
We are thrilled to announce that the feature documentary ‘Dance the Past into the Future’ makes its debut in digital distribution. ‘Dance the Past into...
The Legend of Kaspar Hauser is one of those films that urge you to turn it off as soon as you see the first scene. And yet you don’t, you watch the entire...
You probably heard or read many times that you should plan and implement your marketing strategy as early as possible. And while the fact itself is undoubted...
Genre: Documentary Synopsis: Searching for Hell starts out as a quest to discover the truth behind the story of digging a hole to Hell – the deepest bore...
Genre: Documentary Synopsis: Dance the Past into the Future is a 64 minute documentary about three generations of northeastern Turks finding and fighting...
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