First For Hunters
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SCI’s First for Hunters Blog has moved! You can check it out here. This website will no longer be updated. Please visit the link above and share it...
Tracking the Capitols is a source of legislation currently being tracked by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation state policy team to keep you informed...
SCI was proud to have 11 Members of Congress in attendance at our annual convention and further understand SCI’s mission of “First for Hunters.” Attracting...
On February 5th, 2016, Safari Club International was pleased to present its Federal Legislator of the Year Award to Congressman Billy Long (R-MO-07) for...
Safari Club International (SCI) is encouraging all of its Arizona members to provide their input to the Arizona Game and Fish Department for revisions...
On February 6, 2016, Safari Club International held an informational seminar at its Convention about the recent African lion Endangered Species Act listing...
We all know the bad news by now. The federal government has finally disgorged the listing of lions under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). SCI members...
Tracking the Capitols is a source of legislation currently being tracked by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation state policy team to keep you informed...
SCI President Larry Higgins (right) presents the check to Myles McCallum (left) and Buzz Charlton (center). With the approval of SCI’s Executive Committee...
Harnessing Our Power: Banding Together to Face the Challenges Ahead Friday, February 5th, 2-4 pm, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Breakers B Come attend...
Tracking the Capitols is a source of legislation currently being tracked by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation state policy team to keep you informed...
Unfortunately First For Hunters has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] information from the foremost lion researchers in the world, the FWS concluded that the African lion simply is not on the brink of extinction and did not merit listing as an endangered species. [...]
[...] , if finalized, “will establish a permitting mechanism to allow importation of sport-hunted African lion trophies into the United States provided that they are established as originating from [...]
[...] “other shoe” to drop – the long awaited government decision whether to list the African lion under ESA, thus restricting their importation as well. The one-two punch of a ban on [...]
[...] Safari Club International President Craig Kauffman Washington, D.C. – Safari Club International (SCI) is celebrating the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) 25th Anniversary [...]
[...] On October 17, 2014, Matt Eckert of Safari Club International Foundation and Anna Seidman of Safari Club International attended and provided public [...]
[...] resident who requested a total ban of traditional ammunition made with lead components. Safari Club International joined a number of our colleagues in sending a letter to the Commission opposing this [...]
[...] ’s new regulations into the delisting rule. The FWS filed its own motion, as did Safari Club International, in coordination with the National Rifle Association and Rocky Mountain Elk [...]
[...] . Under pressure from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Committee, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service now is seeking comments on the viability of its red wolf reintroduction program. SCI [...]
[...] efforts are just ahead of similar proposals that will be coming from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska. The FWS has recently initiated consultation with the native corporations and [...]
[...] important hunting program. They have sued the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, claiming that the hunt violates the Grand Teton National Park Act, the National Park [...]
[...] . The D.C. federal district court issued a ruling on several motions that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had filed to try to dismiss our claims. We received very good news about our Zimbabwe [...]
[...] Parks and Wildlife Commission Meeting – September 11, 2014 The Parks and Wildlife Commission will be meeting on Thursday, September 11th in Glenwood Springs. You can find the agenda [...]
[...] Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission met on September 11 & 12, 2014. There were three agenda items related to Chapter W-2 “ [...]
[...] people to the sport. SCI is thankful for all the SCI Florida members and the Fish and Wildlife Commission who helped remove the prohibition on the use of noise-suppressors with rifles and pistols. [...]
[...] On November 13th, during the scheduled Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission meeting, the Commission members voted to protect the use of traditional lead ammunition for [...]
[...] opinion, the judge ruled that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) violated the Endangered Species Act by illegally creating the Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment of wolves. [...]
[...] in their states. This year is likely to bring new and difficult decisions regarding the Endangered Species Act, hunting access, predator management as well as wolves, elk, sage grouse, grizzly bears [...]
[...] the claim that the African lion merited listing as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. After a long and comprehensive review of the species status, which included information [...]
[...] letters, at least. But the rest of the strategy is problematic. It reinterprets the Endangered Species Act to essentially ban the sale of all ivory, including antiques, musical instruments, canes, [...]
Two photographers have filed a lawsuit against the federal government in an effort to stop the annual elk hunt in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming [...]
Calling All Lawyers! Registration for the 2015 Wildlife Law Continuing Legal Education Course is open. The course will be held at the SCI Annual H [...]
On December 26th, SCI and NRA received good and bad news in our efforts to challenge the ongoing importation bans on sport-hunted elephants from Zimba [...]
Today, a D.C. federal district court judge returned the wolves of the Western Great Lakes (WGL) to the endangered species list. This was the fourth [...]
[...] at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, as well. The White House Council on Wildlife Trafficking is scheduled to release new regulations before the year is out. These could run [...]
[...] led to the creation of the “Advisory Council to the Presidential Task Force on Wildlife Trafficking.” That august body — packed full of Washington lawyers and lobbyists but bereft [...]
[...] attended and provided public comment at the fourth meeting of the Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking. In his comments, Matt Eckert told the Council that SCIF is trying to facilitate better [...]
[...] from reality. Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski greets fellow legislators at the 2015 SCI Convention. That’s why it’s critical for lawmakers to have real-world exposure to our community. And [...]
[...] Hunters’ Convention. To register, please click here: (Note: Your registration for the SCI Convention does not include payment for attendance at the Wildlife Law CLE Course. Registration [...]
[...] bringing together the heads of several Western states wildlife management authorities to the SCI Convention in Las Vegas to discuss the benefits and controversies involved in hunting within their [...]
[...] a written statement that will be submitted to the court, please contact Anna Seidman, SCI Director of Litigation, at SCI routinely advocates for the use of [...]
[...] SCI Director of Litigation Anna Seidman traveled to Anchorage in late October to offer public comment at a [...]
[...] information from the foremost lion researchers in the world, the FWS concluded that the African lion simply is not on the brink of extinction and did not merit listing as an endangered species. [...]
[...] , if finalized, “will establish a permitting mechanism to allow importation of sport-hunted African lion trophies into the United States provided that they are established as originating from [...]
[...] “other shoe” to drop – the long awaited government decision whether to list the African lion under ESA, thus restricting their importation as well. The one-two punch of a ban on [...]
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