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Fast paced and fact based, this video communication for the PFS tells the story of a year in just a couple of minutes. Video is the perfect medium for...
We were brought in to make the CII more forward thinking in the way it communicates it’s key marketing messages. And it seems to have worked, judging...
Always fun to have a roam around groping celebrities. Some aren’t even alive!
We are a bit lost. Nice view though – and some sheep poo for good luck. Nothing like climbing around the Lake District with 40 kilos of...
Here’s Rick, hard at work setting up to film at Wembley Stadium. We’re shooting a video for Wembley and we get to spend a lot of time in...
This may look really odd – but we are indeed shooting a bench. The chap sitting on the bench however is the subject of a feature documentary...
Whilst on location in San Fran, we decided to try on some lovely summer wear… Not sure though why the head has been removed. Probably to protect...
It’s important that you should get back to your roots So.. here’s a very tanned Ant with a photo of a relative, outside a kebab shop in Cyprus...
He visited the office overnight – but left his sandals behind . How rude!
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