Former Catholic
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Following is a Guest Post by Suzanne, who is currently strugging with her Catholic faith. I thank her for her valuable contribution. The issue of confession...
I’ve received a large response to my post, Advice for Women in Love with a Priest. Thank you all for your comments; it makes us feel not so alone in these...
I came across an interesting article today on Max Lindenman's blog, Diary of a Wimpy Catholic, called Clerical Narcissism: Myth or Mess? My answer: BOTH...
Advice for Women in Love with a Priest Here is my advice to any woman who has a close relationship with a priest who will forever remain theologically...
Someone wrote me last week asking if I knew of the “perfect church” for ex-Catholics. She had found this site by searching for those keywords. She...
Whether it’s simply a lack of Mass attendance or suffering from serious clergy abuse, there are many reasons we have left the Church. Here are some of...
© Wikipedia “Abstinence makes the church grow fondlers.”—Sam, victim of child molestation by a priest Before I left the Roman Catholic Church,...
Following is a tentative list of topics I would like to explore on this site. I'd like to invite any Catholic in transition or former Catholics to...
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