Frontend Babel
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Once upon a time my colleagues and I met a need to work up a lot of SVG icons. The prerequisites: over 30 colorless SVG images (the color are defined...
While working with one large project, my colleague and I were thinking about how to automate building the CSS sprites. Before, we used to build them manually...
Our development department has a very nice tradition. Every 2 weeks we hold Naked Friday; this is a little conference where we share interesting knowledge...
The BEM methodology never assumed that its long CSS classes such as .block__element_modifier to be written manually. At Yandex they use special tools...
When nine months ago I wrote a small console utility for myself, I didn't suspect that soon it would become a serious and unique in its class tool, which...
Once Opera’s guys proposed to use @viewport { ... } in CSS instead of <meta name="viewport" ...> tag. Regarding the reasons you’d better watch...
This article was first published in the May 2014 issue of "Хакер" (russian word for "Hacker") magazine. The article in the magazine is a shortened version...
SVG-figures can be grouped to structure a file in more convenient manner. There are several tags for this purpose: <g>, <defs> and &#...
SVG is quite a mature technology but it began to gain its popularity just recently. Mostly due to the fact that vector graphics perfectly suit for adaptive...
What do we do if we have to search for something? Of course, we fire up our favorite search engine web site. It is quite hard to push yourself to use...
Let me introduce myself. I am an Interface Designer at Yandex, and I've been involved with projects like Yandex.Maps and Search Engine Results Page, and...
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[...] my previous team used. At one point, I was visited by the ridiculous thought that the code style of the new group was written directly opposite to the code style of the previous group [...]
[...] for JavaScript. Browser support: IE Opera Opera Mini Opera Mobile Chrome Firefox Safari 9+ 9+ 5+ 10+ 4+ 4+ 4+ CSS background The content is not [...]
[...] not possible to foresee all the cases. Probably there would be some JavaScript code changing a CSS class. So, we can use spritePosition($sprite) if an image was already in use. Wrap up I've been [...]
[...] show a PNG fallback according to this CSS: This assumes that your page is marked with .ie8 CSS class which detects the current IE version. For better understanding on how it all works, install the [...]
[...] if a browser supports SVG using Modernizr; browsers which do not understand SVG get .no-svg CSS class. With a piece of CSS you can hide the SVG images for the browsers that do not render them: This [...]
[...] . At Yandex they use special tools to produce HTML markup and styles. If you are using CSS preprocessors to generate your styles, you also do not have to repeat block names again and again. Here I' [...]
[...] the group inherit the given style. Additionally, properties of the group are added to the inner elements, without overwriting their own ones. For example, if an element has a red fill, but the group [...]
[...] is possible to use & symbol instead of container name, which is convenient if describing inner elements and pseudo selectors. CSS: LESS (and now SASS as well) allow to use & within a single [...]
[...] which I believe is suitable for any extension. build and dist folders are generic and contain source code and application for distribution, respectively. css, img, and js hold the source code of the [...]
[...] and its supplements in a very natural way; this will make it easier to find them across the source code. As is the convention, the element modifier must not influence inner elements. Placing it at [...]
[...] Once upon a time my colleagues and I met a need to work up a lot of SVG icons. The prerequisites: over 30 colorless SVG images (the color are defined with CSS later). The [...]
[...] Let me introduce myself. I am an Interface Designer at Yandex, and I've been involved with projects like Yandex.Maps and Search Engine Results [...]
[...] images are lossless when being scaled and look nicer with retina displays; Usually the size of SVG data is less than data size of PNG image with the same picture; The image is defined with XML so that [...]
[...] my previous team used. At one point, I was visited by the ridiculous thought that the code style of the new group was written directly opposite to the code style of the previous group [...]
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- David J. Babel
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