Full-time Businessman | Full-time Christian
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As part of our rebranding strategy, we’ve decided to parter a company that specialises in custom software programming. The owner I know has started...
Not 47-year old exactly. It’s just that I’ve moved the following services from Hosthaven I-Services to my private limited company, 47 Media...
I though I’d like to let you guys know what I’ve just started a black and white photography blog. If you’re also an avid black and white...
For those who know me would know that I can whip up a pretty nice site in less than a day. In fact my record was 6 hours! BUT. This time, I’ve finally...
Hey, check out my business app company! And it’s done with my first flat and one-page web design! I’m so excited about this new business.
Internet marketing tip 101: The riches are found in the niches!
Internet marketing tip 101: The riches are found in the niches!
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