Fun On Rails


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Fun On Rails' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Fun On Rails' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Fun On Rails' Channel

A ruby & rails blog

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Fun On Rails' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Fun On Rails' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Fun On Rails' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Fun On Rails has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

stripe gateway payment integration with rails

[...] ').text(response.error.message); $('.head').css('disabled', false); } } }; Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float email:string transaction_number:string [...]

Paypal payments integration with rails

[...] ; {:id => :payForm} do |p| = p.text_field :amount = p.submit 'Pay' Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db: [...]

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[...] /payments_controller.rb class PaymentsController :new end end Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db: [...]

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[...] mode: test login: 9gdLh6T key: 67fu45xw6VP92LX1 production: Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db: [...]

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stripe gateway payment integration with rails

[...] Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float email:string transaction_number:string rake db:migrate Payment Model # app/models/payment.rb class Payment true, :numericality => { : [...]

Paypal payments integration with rails

[...] ; Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db:migrate Payment Model # app/models/payment.rb class Payment true, :numericality => { : [...]

Authorize Net (SIM) payment integration with rails

[...] Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db:migrate SIM gateway methods extracted and added to payment model # app/models/payment.rb [...]

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[...] changes inside this ZeroForm cat app/helpers/zero_form.rb class ZeroForm main_class(errT)) end end FIELDS.each do |name| create_tagged_field(name) end end In order to use Nested Forms you need to [...]

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[...] 'Pay' Payments Controller # app/controllers/payments_controller.rb class PaymentsController :new end end Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float [...]

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stripe gateway payment integration with rails

[...] $('.head').css('disabled', false); } } }; Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float email:string transaction_number:string rake db:migrate Payment [...]

Paypal payments integration with rails

[...] | = p.text_field :amount = p.submit 'Pay' Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db:migrate Payment Model # app/ [...]

Authorize Net (SIM) payment integration with rails

[...] : 9gdLh6T key: 67fu45xw6VP92LX1 production: Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db:migrate SIM gateway methods [...]

Authorize Net (AIM) payment integration with rails

[...] .rb class PaymentsController :new end end Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db:migrate Payment Model # app/models/ [...]

stripe gateway payment integration with rails

[...] amount:float email:string transaction_number:string rake db:migrate Payment Model # app/models/payment.rb class Payment true, :numericality => { :greater_than => 0 } def purchase self.status = [...]

Paypal payments integration with rails

[...] :string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db:migrate Payment Model # app/models/payment.rb class Payment true, :numericality => { :greater_than => 0 } def self.conf @@gateway_conf ||= [...]

Authorize Net (SIM) payment integration with rails

[...] rake db:migrate SIM gateway methods extracted and added to payment model # app/models/payment.rb class Payment true, :numericality => { :greater_than => 0 } def self.conf @@ [...]

Authorize Net (AIM) payment integration with rails

[...] :string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db:migrate Payment Model # app/models/payment.rb class Payment {:in => [true], :message => 'Invalid Credit Card'} validates :amount, : [...]

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[...] about how to get started on it click here. Below post will help you out in getting started bootstrap css with rails app. One need to add below files to helpers directory. MainForm can be used as base [...]

twitter-bootstrap form builder for rails

[...] how to get started on it click here Below post will help you out in getting started bootstrap css with rails app. One need to add below files to helpers directory. MainForm can be used [...]

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Paypal payments integration with rails

Paypal standard website payment service allows online payment transactions for websites. Before implementing payments inside rails app needs to have f [...]

Paypal payments integration with rails

Paypal standard website payment service allows online payment transactions for websites. Before implementing payments inside rails app needs to have f [...]

dynamic & bounded parameters and named routes

[...] your own routes with parameters but first you should understand how routes behaves. Adding dynamic parameters to routes Here exact parameters are matched to route and presence of each parameter is [...]

dynamic & bounded parameters and named routes

[...] include your own parameters inside it. Lets first understand how named routes works: Adding dynamic parameters to routes Here exact parameters are matched to route and presence of each parameter is [...]

?Key Phrases
stripe gateway payment integration with rails

[...] ').text(response.error.message); $('.head').css('disabled', false); } } }; Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float email:string transaction_number:string [...]

Paypal payments integration with rails

[...] ; {:id => :payForm} do |p| = p.text_field :amount = p.submit 'Pay' Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db: [...]

Authorize Net (AIM) payment integration with rails

[...] /payments_controller.rb class PaymentsController :new end end Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db: [...]

Authorize Net (SIM) payment integration with rails

[...] mode: test login: 9gdLh6T key: 67fu45xw6VP92LX1 production: Generate & Migrate Payment Model rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db: [...]

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