Funeral Pre-Planner, Kat Downey
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With the advent of social media, it is so much easier to get messages out to many people quickly. This can be a good thing, and it can also backfire quickly...
In the Province of Ontario regulations, the Ontario Disability Support Payment (ODSP) is a monthly payment, paid out to people who are found to be a ...
In honour of Remembrance Day, I thought I would share this article from The Bugler that was published in 2011. There are still many people who are not...
This weekend I was at the Toronto Zoomer Show helping out in our ‘Funeral Planning Made Simple’ booth. It was enormously interesting to watch people look...
Increasingly more people are preplanning and selecting cremation as their preferred eventual form of disposition. The rationale that people share with...
A while back a gentleman called me and said: “I want that travel thing you have.” I thanked him for calling, and I was thrilled that he knew about “that...
An adult son called me today asking about what he could do and how to start organizing his mother’s affairs. His mom now has advanced Alzheimer’s and...
Over the weekend a friend contacted me to let me know that his wife’s memorial visiting and service was this week. I was in shock. I hadn’t seen them...
Have you ever wondered how you would pay for a funeral? I am sure you have heard that funerals are expensive – right? Not necessarily! People are conscious...
Eco-friendly, natural or Green earth burial is gaining momentum. According to a 2013 study done by the Natural Burial Association of Canada, 50% of respondents...
I am thrilled to introduce you to the CICEA and let you know that I successfully completed the 30 hour on-line course offered by the Canadian Institute...
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