Galletta the Great
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We haz a sad. It is with great regret that we report that Galletta went to the bridge on December 23. He had been suffering from hyperthyroidism and...
Last Wudnesdae was a vury sad dae of all of us at de Castle. Our friend and many times grandmother, Alexi, crossed the Bridge to be with her fambly...
O hai! It has ben a long time sense Ai last posted. We is awl well. Mom bean and Dad bean are doin' okay. Todae is Alexi's 17th purrthdae!! We is haffing...
O hai! I met mai noo howsemate, Ilan, on Turdsdae. We performed the normal greeting ceremoni, not the strange ritual of shaking paws that da hoomans...
Deer friends, O hai. We at Krasota Castle are asking you to sai "hai" to our noo fambly member, Ilan. Ilan is faive months old. He is learning English...
Deer Santy Claws, Ai am writing (amazing isn't it) to find out if Ai wuz a gud boi dis yeer. I tried to bee-have for mai beans and also to get along with...
Hey Mombean and Blu Cat Man, Guess what yu forgotted! How did you do dis. It's our buddie on top of the cab-in-a-net. We should haz a part-ee for...
O, hai! To-dae we is haffin' a howse-trashin' partee!!! Mom-bean a.k.a. Mom-beam and Blu Cat Man nearly forgotted mai purrthdae so efurryone is invited...
MIA: Dis is Mia, de lovely black Russian cat. Todae is mai buddy Galletta's purthdae! In honor of dis and dee-spite what da beans sai, we is throwin...
Gabrielle or Gabby has gone to a new home in Marryland near Ball-tee more! She is doing well at last word! We luvs you and miss you Gabby!
O hai! We is hosting nap piles! The big sleep-in continues! Come join us! We is continuing nap piles todae. Tellyport on ofur!
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[...] O hai! I haz a major mad. My beans, Blue Cat Man and the "But, Mom" person, aka Mombean, like to plae with mai toesies. Dey tickel [...]
[...] in da beans' sleepy nest (I sleep wherefur I wants.). G and I think it's keel. Da balls Blue Cat Man throws go fatherer and higher. It's fun! Blue Cat Man will share a photo or two when he [...]
[...] Thanks for all who served! We're thinking especially of Blue Cat Man's dad and Mombean's Dad, Dr. Richard B. Hovda. We are proud of you. [...]
[...] report dat Mia our 6 month old kittens is a mess. She always beats me to da toys when da beans throw dem. Dad Blu Cat Man is a whack job. I accompany him when he's bathing and he [...]
[...] as she loved to do every-dae. She was a fighter until da end. Please purr and pray for us and da beans who miss her so mush. [...]
[...] the wurst dae of mai leif. Mai dae was going extremely well until this afternoon when da beans decided I needed a b-a-t-h. Ai spelled it to protect the sense-a- tiv ears of kittens. [...]
[...] , I want to tell yoo about the fun of plaeing on a noo flor. We hadded a noo floor installed in da beans' sleepy nest (I sleep wherefur I wants.). G and I think it's keel. Da balls Blue Cat Man [...]
[...] Hiya, Mombeam and Blu Cat Man are takin' me to a cat show wif Galletta. They say it's fun. I was in one when I was liddle. Galletta has been in several [...]
[...] photos of me. They are below. Shameful beans! Why? Oh, yeah. They said it was fur the cat show. Some of the stuff they used to b-a-t-h-e me Poor me. Get me outa here! Some of my lovely floof [...]
[...] owt the creator of mai breed, the Nebelung, Cora Cobb, haz crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Mai beans were very fortunate to meet her az wuz I. She thot I waz a very handsome mancat. Heer is [...]
[...] O hai! Mai beans think I should look appropriately dressed for a play to-nite. Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for mai [...]
[...] decided I needed a b-a-t-h. Ai spelled it to protect the sense-a- tiv ears of kittens. Mai beans were ab-sew-loot-lee e-vul. They trimmed mai claws. They putted me in the kitsch-en sink [...]
[...] haf bin bad abowt not posting sense befur Chrissymouse. We awl had a very gud Chrissymouse and da kittens had lots of fun de-dekorateing da tree. Here are some pikchers of kittens playing. [...]
[...] with mousses ham salmon tuna more tuna scallops nip brandy more salmon lamb niptinis milk (for da kittens) nip iced tea real live ded shrimps chick-hen lizards Y'all come. [...]
O hai! I wuld veddy much like to introduce a noo voice to my bloggie, mai gud friend, Teddy! Teddy is one of mai gratest frends. He will be po [...]
Hai, it's me, Teddy! Toodae, I want to tell yoo about the fun of plaeing on a noo flor. We hadded a noo floor installed in da beans' sleepy nest ( [...]
[...] Hai-ya! It's me, Teddy. It's amazin' how much our beans liked the noo flor. We likes it, too as beans can make our bouncy toys bouncy haier and furtherer than before. We [...]
[...] Hai, it's me, Teddy! Toodae, I want to tell yoo about the fun of plaeing on a noo flor. We hadded a noo floor installed in da beans' sleepy nest (I sleep wherefur I wants.). G and I [...]
[...] Hiya, Mombeam and Blu Cat Man are takin' me to a cat show wif Galletta. They say it's fun. I was in one when I was liddle. [...]
[...] O, hai! To-dae we is haffin' a howse-trashin' partee!!! Mom-bean a.k.a. Mom-beam and Blu Cat Man nearly forgotted mai purrthdae so efurryone is invited to trash dere howse. We can swing from [...]
[...] to us who might be scared of big bangy things and lights in da skye. Be-low is mine plans for da dae. [...]
[...] I haz a sad 'accuse my friend, Galletta haz a major sad. He'll tell you more abowt it. Galletta: I haz a very major sad as I found owt [...]
[...] O hai! I haz a major mad. My beans, Blue Cat Man and the "But, Mom" person, aka Mombean, like to plae with mai toesies. Dey tickel [...]
[...] in da beans' sleepy nest (I sleep wherefur I wants.). G and I think it's keel. Da balls Blue Cat Man throws go fatherer and higher. It's fun! Blue Cat Man will share a photo or two when he [...]
[...] Thanks for all who served! We're thinking especially of Blue Cat Man's dad and Mombean's Dad, Dr. Richard B. Hovda. We are proud of you. [...]
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