Garuda Trainings


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Garuda Trainings' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the advanced readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Garuda Trainings' Channel

Online Training

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Garuda Trainings' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Garuda Trainings' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Garuda Trainings' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Garuda Trainings has no news yet.

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[...] professionals who would want to move in to ERP from a different software domain. We at Garuda trainings have developed a set of online SAP training courses in one of the most popular ERP software- [...]

Advantages of an ERP- SAP ABAP Training

[...] developed by global software leaders with a rich community of developers and support. We at Garuda Trainings have developed a series of online SAP training courses on one of the most globally used ERP [...]

What is an ERP Software

[...] training module for learning SAP-which is the market leader in ERP software, we at Garuda trainings have put forth a set of high quality online SAP training modules. These courses are prepared [...]

What is Tibco:

[...] increase in the revenue and number of employees. The post What is Tibco: appeared first on Garuda Trainings. [...]

What is an ERP Software

[...] requirement for a structured training module for learning SAP-which is the market leader in ERP software, we at Garuda trainings have put forth a set of high quality online SAP training modules. [...]

Why we need ERP?

[...] , invoicing for new materials, demand analysis, forecasting  etc). Before the advent of ERP software’s, individual software applications used to be developed and then integrated across the [...]

Advantages of an ERP- SAP ABAP Training

[...] ERP software’s have a definite advantage over custom applications as they offer extensive features [...]

Test Planning in Quality Assurance Online Course

[...] having multiple phases.  Test planning is the first fundamental step in developing a testing process so that the entire testing cycles are clearly identified, defined, divided and scheduled. An [...]

Better understanding Test Scenario’s in online Quality Assurance Course

[...] ’s perspective. These individual scenario’s form the building blocks of the core testing process as they breakdown the actual test process into logical steps which need to be divided and [...]

Why we need ERP?

[...] to ERP from a different software domain. We at Garuda trainings have developed a set of online SAP training courses in one of the most popular ERP software-SAP. The online SAP training modules [...]

Advantages of an ERP- SAP ABAP Training

[...] of developers and support. We at Garuda Trainings have developed a series of online SAP training courses on one of the most globally used ERP software-SAP. Our online SAP training [...]

What is an ERP Software

[...] and convenience and get the benefit of a trainer led session at their own location. Our online SAP training courses are designed with an extra emphasis on practical aspects so that you get the very [...]

Advantages of an ERP- SAP ABAP Training

[...] of online SAP training courses on one of the most globally used ERP software-SAP. Our online SAP training modules are led by trainers who are industry experts and come with rich experience in SAP [...]

Why we need ERP?

[...] a set of online SAP training courses in one of the most popular ERP software-SAP. The online SAP training modules comprehensively cover all the aspects of that particular module along with a practical [...]

Better understanding Test Scenario’s in online Quality Assurance Course

[...] end-users viewpoint by following our specially designed online Quality Assurance course in software testing. The post Better understanding Test Scenario’s in online Quality Assurance Course [...]

What is an ERP Software

[...] domain exposure being an added advantage. Keeping in mind the requirement for a structured training module for learning SAP-which is the market leader in ERP software, we at Garuda trainings have put [...]

?Key Phrases
Why we need ERP?

[...] professionals who would want to move in to ERP from a different software domain. We at Garuda trainings have developed a set of online SAP training courses in one of the most popular ERP software- [...]

Advantages of an ERP- SAP ABAP Training

[...] developed by global software leaders with a rich community of developers and support. We at Garuda Trainings have developed a series of online SAP training courses on one of the most globally used ERP [...]

What is an ERP Software

[...] training module for learning SAP-which is the market leader in ERP software, we at Garuda trainings have put forth a set of high quality online SAP training modules. These courses are prepared [...]

What is Tibco:

[...] increase in the revenue and number of employees. The post What is Tibco: appeared first on Garuda Trainings. [...]

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