Get Baby Jack Back
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JACKSON Hailey Graham How do you say, “Good Bye” to someone you’ve never met? How do you know you miss someone, when you’ve never seen them? How do...
Here is the podcast from the radio station 97.1 ZHT morning zoo today. The interview starts at minute 95. This interview discusses the unethical adoption...
Complaint Document and Exhibits.... view here! On Wednesday, January 22nd 2014, daddy Jake Strickland's birthday, Wesley Hutchins, our attorney, filed...
12 fathers sue Utah over adoption laws January 23, 2014 SALT LAKE CITY — Twelve biological fathers are suing the state of Utah, claiming its adoption...
Group of fathers file class action lawsuit, claim Utah adoption laws are unjust Posted on: 8:07 pm, January 22, 2014, by Mark Green and Nineveh Dinha...
Adoption and Putative Father Lawsuits on Dipity.
Suit: Utah adoption laws permit ‘legalized fraud and kidnapping’ Adoption • 12 biological fathers from across the country want Utah’s adoption law declared...
Full Story HERE Dad Files $130M Suit, Alleging His Son Was Unknowingly Put Up for Adoption By ADITI ROY | Good Morning America – 2 hours 40 minutes...
By Erik Ortiz, Staff Writer, NBC News December 31, 2013, 2:06 pm Jake Strickland prepared for the birth of his son in December 2010, showing off a stroller...
Many comments in the recent articles in the Salt Lake Tribune, KSL and Desert News have stated that Jake just wants money and why did he wait 3 years...
Verified Complaint and Exhibits .... Don't trust our word, see the proof yourself.
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[...] has filed a $130 million federal lawsuit against the biological mother, adoption agency, adoptive parents and attorneys alleging they conspired in an “illegal deceit-ridden infant adoption” that [...]
[...] want Jack to be hurt or feel torn, but he has the right to the TRUTH and his FAMILY. Dear adoptive parents of Jack, please love this little one with all of your heart. Enjoy his every waking moment [...]
[...] a way to deal with ours as we wait for you to come home. We do hope and pray that your adoptive parents will read this and understand that. We will continue to pray for you and them daily, we [...]
[...] know what your personality is like, if you are healthy. Jack more than anything we wish your adoptive parents would allow Jake in your life now rather than when you are 18. Merry Christmas Jackson [...]
[...] said he pointed to other cases of alleged fraud in the lawsuit as well to demonstrate that the birth mother's fraud was part of what he claims is a larger pattern found among adoption agencies and [...]
[...] -state women to give birth here because the laws exclude the rights of birth fathers. "A birth mother, or anyone working with a birth mother, can commit fraud in placing the child for adoption,& [...]
[...] at birth without the father’s consent or knowledge Wiser put most of the blame on the birth mother, who is now Achane’s ex-wife. “She came to Utah because Utah allows human trafficking in [...]
[...] strong testimony from Jennifer Graham, whose son has never meet his baby boy Jack because his birth mother gave him up for adoption without his knowledge, legislators said the current law would have [...]
[...] Suit: Utah adoption laws permit ‘legalized fraud and kidnapping’ Adoption • 12 biological fathers from across the country want Utah’s adoption law declared unconstitutional. BY BROOKE ADAMS [...]
[...] lawsuit alleges Utah’s adoption laws make it “nearly impossible” for biological fathers to gain custody of their children before the child’s mother gives the child up for adoption. [...]
[...] to ensure another dad doesn't suffer his fate. Hutchins said Utah’s laws are onerous on biological fathers who try to gain custody, noting that they must file a paternity petition, get a sworn [...]
[...] case; the attorneys also engaged in such practices in other cases involving unwed, biological fathers, the complaint alleges. Twitter: @Brooke4Trib © Copyright 2013 The Salt [...]
[...] let money get in the way to fight until the end for his son. We still have hope that the Utah Supreme Court will rule in our favor due to the constitutionality motion. We feel like if we can also get [...]
[...] Rights. We hope that this will be helpful in our case as we have filed our appeal with the Utah Supreme Court. We hope that the judges are sick of seeing father's rights be TRAMPLED and will recgonize [...]
[...] for adoption. He is currently STILL fighting and his case will be heard hopefully in the Utah Supreme Court in early Spring. The fraud lawsuit is a separate matter. There is a 3 year statute of [...]
[...] going to appeal his decision and really needs to make sure he gets things right so the Utah Supreme Court doesn't over turn his ruling. Jake is fortunate enough that Wes thought about bringing up [...]
[...] 2010, the Utah Attorney General's office has been aware of numerous complaints calling the Utah Adoption Act unconstitutional and they have turned a blind eye to the fraud and deception that has been [...]
[...] $30 million for what Strickland lost in being able to raise and enjoy his child. Under the Utah Adoption Act, you can commit fraud, and it is not a basis to overturn an otherwise illegal adoption, you [...]
[...] of unwed fathers, it states. The lawsuit seeks monetary damages and a finding that the Utah Adoption Act is unconstitutional. All of the fathers in the lawsuit have fought, with mixed results, to [...]
[...] not all have been successful. The lawsuit seeks both monetary damages and to strike down the Utah Adoption Act. [...]
[...] that the birth mother's fraud was part of what he claims is a larger pattern found among adoption agencies and attorneys in the state. "It's really an issue of accountability," Hutchins [...]
[...] being held for now. Wes Hutchins, an adoption attorney, says the legislation would have held adoption agencies more accountable. Hutchins claims some agencies encourage deception and lies. “Adoption [...]
[...] any reason to believe there is a basis to overturn the act.” Biological mothers, adoption agencies and adoption attorneys have been able to exploit Utah’s laws, particularly a fraud [...]
[...] 2011, I again was the one who wrote letters to the adoptive couple, grandparents, adoption agencies and attorneys. This was not because Jake was not will or was not wanting to reach [...]
[...] explaining his fight to gain custody of the son that he has never met. Pettersson and LDS Family Services, which facilitated the adoption, didn't respond to ABC News' request for comment. [...]
[...] Hutchins and his client, Jake Strickland, accuse a Utah woman who had Strickland's child, LDS Family Services, an LDS Family Services employee, the child's adoptive parents and attorneys from the law [...]
[...] medical information. When both parents consent some agencies provide medical information, LDS family services is one agency that does. But, because the social worker and Whitney did not want Jake [...]
[...] mother Whitney Vivian Pettersson Demke; the adoptive parents (identified only by initials); LDS Family Services; Kirton & McConkie, and attorneys Larry Jenkins and David J. Hardy, both of whom are [...]
[...] and House Representative requesting that they move to make the necessary changes in Utah adoption laws. They need to hear from all sides from those who have been affected most by adoption, [...]
[...] Suit: Utah adoption laws permit ‘legalized fraud and kidnapping’ Adoption • 12 biological fathers from across the [...]
[...] Group of fathers file class action lawsuit, claim Utah adoption laws are unjust Posted on: 8:07 pm, January 22, 2014, by Mark Green and Nineveh Dinha Facebook [...]
[...] felt for judge to call a hearing on a discrepancy on an order. The judge allowed our attorney Wes Hutchins to argue for over an hour on the Unconstitutionality of the Adoption Act, which blatantly [...]
[...] Family Services, which handled the adoption and is represented by Kirton & McConkie. Attorney Wes Hutchins is representing Strickland in the federal lawsuit, as well as an action pending in the [...]
[...] 's parenting laws, accusing them of being “pro-adoption and anti-birth father.” Attorney Wes Hutchins, speaking on behalf of Strickland, said his client just missed his son’s third [...]
[...] and kidnapping. All of them had children put up for adoption without their consent. Attorney Wes Hutchins, who has worked in adoption law for more than two decades, believes this lawsuit [...]
[...] ” that deprived him of his son. In a complaint filed in U.S. District Court, Jake Strickland alleges the defendants acted in a “clandestine” manner and “essentially kidnapped” his [...]
[...] up for adoption without his knowledge.In a complaint filed in U.S. District Court Friday, Jake Strickland alleges the boy's mother, Whitney Pettersson Demke "essentially kidnapped" his son [...]
[...] has filed a $130 million federal lawsuit against the biological mother, adoption agency, adoptive parents and attorneys alleging they conspired in an “illegal deceit-ridden infant adoption” that [...]
[...] want Jack to be hurt or feel torn, but he has the right to the TRUTH and his FAMILY. Dear adoptive parents of Jack, please love this little one with all of your heart. Enjoy his every waking moment [...]
[...] a way to deal with ours as we wait for you to come home. We do hope and pray that your adoptive parents will read this and understand that. We will continue to pray for you and them daily, we [...]
[...] know what your personality is like, if you are healthy. Jack more than anything we wish your adoptive parents would allow Jake in your life now rather than when you are 18. Merry Christmas Jackson [...]
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