Gloria Wong
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Effective today, it’s illegal to sell drop side cribs, including yard sales. Most are probably destined for the landfill, but a lucky few get a new lease...
My mother’s death last week unearthed a great deal of anger. One morning after I finished ranting on the phone, my son, Nate, who is nigh five, asked...
Brand new for 2012, I am offering free monthly group coaching calls on creativity. You don’t need to be an artist. (But of course you could be.) You don...
The Joy of Creativity is undergoing revision. After the January call, I realized that coaching is better served in protected environment — one where confidentiality...
Please join me on my free monthly Joy of Creativity conference call this Wednesday, February 22, from 9 – 10pm Eastern. I will be leading two guided journeys...
I stopped by the corner market to admire the watermelons wedges. Almost gleaming in the sun, their color was high. Even I, a painter, would need to dabble...
On the subway, a mother sat next to her son, who was nursing a lollipop. A white shape suddenly arched through the air and came down to land in a woman...
The truth about contemporary shamanic journeying is that anyone can do it. You do not have to be chosen by Spirit. You do not have to sacrifice animals...
The essence of the Way is detachment. — Bodhidharma We have all heard that being unattached to outcome is a good thing. But HOW on earth can we become...
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Gloria's Bits and Pieces
Bits and pieces of my life, reviews, giveaways, and more!