God's Beautiful Chaos
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Francine Rivers Giveaway! Remember the first time you really connected with what you were reading or when you first discovered an author whose words...
Yes, ladies, we have all said that. I have at least once today for sure. We are all gossipy women, right? So what is really behind all that gossip? Judgement...
Do you all have the "phone voice"? You know that voice that comes out in the midst of a rant when the phone rings? "What do you mean you...
"Who made God?" said a little voice from the backseat this morning as I pulled into my friends driveway. Ahnika even reminded me how hard that...
How do I get so blessed? As I meet more and more women I realize how broken we all are. God didn't design us for this, His design was for Holiness...
As many of you know, last night me and my daughter-in-law went ant got our first tattoos. It was an experience like no other. Mikaya didn't fair so...
I sit here at the eye doctor as my eyes get funky. You would think with all of today technology I shouldn't have to sit her while the lights get bright...
Do you ever have those times when something nags at you for a while, and then you get a revelation of Ahhh, I should have listened a long time ago! That...
Why you not? That is a common sentence in our house from our lovely six year old Ahnika. “Why you not make Sophia do dat?” “Why you...
What makes you laugh the most? I live in a house so chaotic half the time I can’t tell if it is laughter or crying. The shortest sentence in the...
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God's Beautiful Chaos
Here is the story of a family just trying to survive the beautiful chaos God has blessed us with.
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Nette's Life Journey
"Everyone of us has it's own life journey and a story to tell. Life could be beautiful if we live it just for God's glor...