God's Girl


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'God's Girl' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'God's Girl' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'God's Girl' Channel

Growing together through Christ

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1Feb, 2014Mar, 2014Apr, 2014May, 2014Jun, 2014Jul, 2014Aug, 2014Sep, 2014Oct, 2014Nov, 2014Dec, 2014Jan, 20150510152025Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1ImagesLinksTexts
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'God's Girl' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

'God's Girl' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are a smaller number of articles of intermediate readability.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



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