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Better late than never, but more Americans finally seem to be getting the message they’ve been consuming far too much soda and as such, sales of pop have...
Daniel H. Gervich, M.D. recently wrote in the Des Moines Register that mothers who feed their babies fresh milk constitutes “child endangerment.” Gervich...
Senator Jeff Sessions, ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee has pointed out that our per capita government debt is already larger than Greece...
After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares...
The Feds have been forced to release their social network monitoring manual, which contains the list of words the government watches on social media and...
What if it was possible to eliminate much of the world’s otherwise very-slowly-biodegrading plastic waste using a natural Amazonian fungus? Well, it just...
Did you know that electroshock therapy is still a common practice? It’s true that electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) nearly died out after Jack Nicholson...
As a featured guest on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley, Anthony Gucciardi discusses the true severity of the Fukushima disaster and how it affects you...
It is with much sadness that we report the two-year war waged by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) against Pennsylvania Amish farmer Dan Allgyer...
Please fill out the form below to receive your free water the great mystery dvd: Sign Up Now & Get Water: The Great Mystery DVD Free! First Name...
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft has confirmed the discovery of its first alien world in its host star’s habitable zone...
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[...] ,” the Department of Homeland Security may have noticed. In the latest revelation of how the federal government is monitoring social media and online news outlets, the Electronic Privacy Information [...]
[...] . By encouraging Americans to frivolously report anything as “suspicious behavior,” the federal government is mimicking the policy of some of the darkest dictatorships in history. One common [...]
[...] Pentagon Quake Nightmare: Fukushima on the Mississippi In May, the federal government simulated an earthquake so massive, it killed 100,000 Midwesterners instantly, and forced [...]
[...] wasted on war, the fact that our nation has been sold to international banks, and that the federal government is becoming a monster overtaking state autonomy. I never would have thought that the day [...]
[...] when one considers that within just the past few weeks, high-profile members of the Obama administration have publicly put forward several alleged ‘justifications’ for why the federal government [...]
[...] to vote for the bill, identical rhetoric we’re now hearing from UBS and others. The Obama administration also used economic terrorism to get an agreement pushed through on the debt hike. [...]
[...] .com is owned by Google. And we know about the cozy relationship between Google and the Obama Administration. It’s very suspicious. TPTB do not like their corruption and crimes being exposed, and [...]
[...] will adjust downward rapidly to reflect their decreased value. Not only this, but the Obama administration is worsening the uniquely American policy of taxing income of US based companies earned [...]
[...] dairy products which contain no additives or synthetic chemicals, by the way. Yep: All the toxic chemicals and highly processed ingredients that cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease and nutritional [...]
[...] bicarbonate is necessary to protect their patients from the toxicity and harm done by highly toxic chemicals used in chemotherapy. They also know it is of extraordinary help to patients receiving [...]
[...] down into the hormone-disrupting nonylphenol. The findings provide a snapshot of the kind of toxic chemicals that are being released by the textile industry into waterways all over the world and are [...]
[...] ,” the Department of Homeland Security may have noticed. In the latest revelation of how the federal government is monitoring social media and online news outlets, the Electronic Privacy Information [...]
[...] . By encouraging Americans to frivolously report anything as “suspicious behavior,” the federal government is mimicking the policy of some of the darkest dictatorships in history. One common [...]
[...] Pentagon Quake Nightmare: Fukushima on the Mississippi In May, the federal government simulated an earthquake so massive, it killed 100,000 Midwesterners instantly, and forced [...]
[...] wasted on war, the fact that our nation has been sold to international banks, and that the federal government is becoming a monster overtaking state autonomy. I never would have thought that the day [...]
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