Gonzalo Ayuso – Web Architect


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Gonzalo Ayuso – Web Architect' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Gonzalo Ayuso – Web Architect' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Gonzalo Ayuso – Web Architect' Channel


? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Short articles, prevailing on the channel, can be a good choice for 'Gonzalo Ayuso – Web Architect' if they’re going to gain their audience’s sympathy with brevity. Also, there are a few medium-length pieces.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'Gonzalo Ayuso – Web Architect' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (there are just a few of them). In addition the channel contains materials of a basic readability level, making up more than one third of its content.



? Sentiment Analysis

Neutral sentiment normally indicates an unbiased attitude that prevails in the channel’s articles (e.g. it may include some kind of scientific or professional materials).



Recent News

Unfortunately Gonzalo Ayuso – Web Architect has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Integrating WebSockets with PHP applications. Silex and socket.io playing togeth...

[...] with one slight problem. Our Web application runs on a Web server (imagine, for example one Silex application). We can use a login form and ensure all requests are authorized (using a security layer). [...]

Building a Silex application from one Behat/Gherkin feature file

[...] How to build a silex application from a Behat/Gherkin feature file. [...]

Creating QR codes with PHP and Silex

[...] Today we’re going to play with QR codes and how to use them within a Silex application using one Service Provider. First we need a QR code generator. If we find in Packagist we [...]

Playing with event dispatcher and Silex. Sending logs to a remote server.

[...] Provider called LoggerServiceProvider to integrate our Logger instance into our Silex application. And now the last part is our Silex application: As we can see the event dispacher [...]

Dynamic routes with AngularJS and Silex

[...] within a middleware. And basically that’s all. You can see a working example in my github account using Booststrap and UI Booststrap [...]

Sending automated emails with PHP, Swiftmailer and Twig

[...] next Katayuno will be invited in a “SOLID” way . Source code is available in my github account. BTW: Do you want to organize one Katayuno in your city? It’s very easy. Feel free to [...]

Playing with HTML5. Building a simple pool of WebWokers

[...] enables cross origin (CORS). You can read about it here. You can see the whole code in my github account. Here one small screencast to see the application in action. [...]

Auto injecting dependencies in PHP objects

[...] . The whole “magic” is in the Builder class. You can see the library in my github account. [...]

Deploying tips for Web Applications

[...] need to deploy database changes. Deploy database changes is a hard work, but source code can be trivial if we take into account a few details: Source code must be the same in all [...]

Deployment tip: How to use environ variables to create different environments wi...

[...] 's environ variables to create different environments with PHP. One easy trick to have the same source code between production and development environments. [...]

Building a BDD framework with PHP

[...] library is a proof of concept. There’re a lot of remaining things. What do you think? Source code at github [...]

Playing with websockets, angularjs and socket.io

[...] in one of my previous post I don’t like to send messages from the web browser to the websocket server directly (due do to authentication issues commented here). I prefer to use one server (a [...]

Yet Another example of WebSockets, socket.ioa and AngularJs working with a Silex...

[...] is to notify to the websocket’s server when anything changes within the storage: The Websocket server is a simple socket.io server as well as a Express server to handle the backend’s triggers. [...]

Integrating WebSockets with PHP applications. Silex and socket.io playing togeth...

[...] authentication, token based authentificatio, OAuth, … The problem arrives when we add WebSocket server. WebSocket server is another serve. We can use node.js, ruby, or even PHP with Rachet. But [...]

Sending Android Push Notifications from PHP to phonegap applications

[...] Last days I’ve been working within a Phonegap project for Android devices using Push Notifications. The idea is simple. We need to use the Push Notification Plugin for Android. First we need [...]

Multiple Phonegap Push Notifications in the Android’s status bar

[...] Last month I worked within an Android project using Phonegap, jQuery Mobile and Push Notifications. I also wrote one post explaining how to use PHP to send the server side’s part of [...]

Testing Phonegap/Cordova applications fast as hell in the device (with ionic fra...

[...] behaviour in the device and fix customizations, but ir we use plugins (camera plugin, push notifications or things like that) we really need to test on the real device. Those kind of things [...]

Upgrading Cordova-Android apps outside Google Play Store with angularjs

[...] about it, but if we distribute our apps manually we need do something. We can send push notifications or email to the user to inform about the new version. Let me show you how I’m doing [...]

Bundles in Silex using Stack

[...] syntax. The first thing than come to my mind after studying Stack is to join different Silex applications in a similar way than Symfony (the full stack framework) uses bundles. And the best part of [...]

Scaling Silex applications

[...] One Idea to scale Silex applications using Symfony's DIC to store the routes [...]

Scaling Silex applications (part II). Using RouteCollection

[...] How to scale Silex applications using RouteCollection and YAML [...]

Token based authentication with Silex Applications

Imagine this simple Silex application: What happens if we want to use a security layer? We can use sessions. Sessions are the “standard” [...]

Using OpenUI5 table and Angularjs

[...] module. In this application we configure the table and fetch the data from an externar API server The API server is a simple Silex server And basically that’s all. You can see the whole [...]

Token based authentication with Silex Applications

[...] , but when our application is a PhoneGap/Cordova application that uses a Silex server as API server, sessions aren’t the best way. The best way now is a token based authentication. The idea [...]

Playing with HTML5. Building a simple pool of WebWokers

[...] /worker.js” is a standard WebWorker. In this example our worker perform XHR request to a API server (in this case one Silex application) WebWorkers runs in different scope than a traditional [...]

Talk about Dependency Injection and Dependency Injection Containers at the deSym...

[...] Madrid and I collaborate as speaker with a talk about Dependency Injection and Dependency Injection Containers in PHP. It was a great experience. 400 attendees, two tracks, Fabien Potencier& [...]

Building a simple Dependency Injection Container with PHP

[...] over a set of classes that’s becomes a difficult task. Because of that we can use Dependency Injection Containers. If we choose Pimple as Dependency Injection Container we can refactor our [...]

Dependency Injection Containers with PHP. When Pimple is not enough.

How to use the component "Dependency Injection Container" from Symfony2 in a standalone PHP application. [...]

Handling several PDO Database connections in Symfony2 through the Dependency Inj...

How to manage several PDO Database connections through Symfony2 service container. [...]

Handling several DBAL Database connections in Symfony2 through the Dependency In...

How to use several DBAL Database connections with Symfony2 service container. [...]

How to configure Symfony’s Service Container to use Twitter API

[...] Using Symfony's Dependency injection container to handle Twitter API. [...]

Building a simple Dependency Injection Container with PHP

[...] If you are looking for a small Dependency Injection Container with PHP maybe you need have look to Pimple. Pimple is a small Dependency Injection [...]

?Key Phrases
Integrating WebSockets with PHP applications. Silex and socket.io playing togeth...

[...] with one slight problem. Our Web application runs on a Web server (imagine, for example one Silex application). We can use a login form and ensure all requests are authorized (using a security layer). [...]

Building a Silex application from one Behat/Gherkin feature file

[...] How to build a silex application from a Behat/Gherkin feature file. [...]

Creating QR codes with PHP and Silex

[...] Today we’re going to play with QR codes and how to use them within a Silex application using one Service Provider. First we need a QR code generator. If we find in Packagist we [...]

Playing with event dispatcher and Silex. Sending logs to a remote server.

[...] Provider called LoggerServiceProvider to integrate our Logger instance into our Silex application. And now the last part is our Silex application: As we can see the event dispacher [...]

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