Green Earth Traveler - The Eco Friendly Green Living Community | Be The S...
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This set of photos capture the mystery, majesty, power and persona of the wild cat known as leopards. From oscelots and jaguars to panthers, there is...
Spring is in the air, or at least in my mind it is. I have had spring fever since January 1st and have been counting down the days to spring ever since...
Like you, I have my morning routine that I follow to a tee. I got up this morning the same time I do every morning, stumbled into the kitchen and retrieved...
Sedona, Arizona used to be one of my favorite places. But continued growth and development has changed the area...the way it feels and affects me. It...
How clean is the air you breathe at home? From what the studies have found, not very clean. Air pollution indoors occurs at levels two to five times...
Now that our kids are out of the crawling and falling stage of childhood, my husband and I are considering what kind of flooring to put throughout the...
Aquaponics or integrated hydroponics is the symbiotic cultivation of plants and aquatic animals in a re-circulating environment. Aquatic animal waste...
Did you know that the average household uses 40 pounds of household cleaning products per year? And that your indoor air is likely more polluted than...
The harvest is over and winter nears. With every harvest season comes the decision of what to do with all the extra food. Since fruit and vegetables are...
A well known ancient Proverb says: “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” In essence what this proverb us...
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[...] . These groups include the elderly, babies, children and the chronically ill. Sources of Indoor Air Pollution There are many sources of indoor air pollution. Once source category includes biological [...]
[...] of our life indoors, that’s a serious concern! While there are many sources of indoor air pollution, household cleaners are a major baddie because they continuously emit dangerous [...]
[...] , leaves, and paper. It is not nasty – it is wise living. Use vinegar, lemon, essential oils, and baking soda to clean your house - Essential oils like tea tree oil, lemons, and [...]
[...] are common household items such as: baking soda, vinegar, borax, castile soap, beeswax and essential oils. You can easily find these items at grocery stores or health food stores. Internet searches [...]
[...] have noted that pre-existing illness were aggravated, especially those affecting the respiratory system, like asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, COPD or emphysema. Long-term exposure or [...]
[...] products can trigger or aggravate chronic diseases, particularly those affecting the respiratory system like asthma or emphysema. So all that time you spend trying to keep things clean and keep [...]
[...] substance brought in, sprayed on or potentially apart of your house. This includes household cleaners, air fresheners, fabric treatments on your furniture or clothing and even gases that [...]
[...] indoors, that’s a serious concern! While there are many sources of indoor air pollution, household cleaners are a major baddie because they continuously emit dangerous substances into the air we [...]
[...] This is very important as these gases go way beyond simply polluting your indoor air quality. Health Effects of Indoor Air Pollution Toxins, molds, bacteria and gases can all play a deleterious role, [...]
[...] them into the air and your body. You may not even know you’re harming yourself because some health effects may not show up until years later. If you’ve ever experienced headaches, dizziness, [...]
[...] . Homemade natural cleaning products are easy to make and can be substituted for many of the toxic cleaners on the market. All you need are a few inexpensive ingredients and information on how to put [...]
[...] , babies, children and the chronically ill. Sources of Indoor Air Pollution There are many sources of indoor air pollution. Once source category includes biological entities (molds and [...]
[...] and spend nearly 90 percent of our life indoors, that’s a serious concern! While there are many sources of indoor air pollution, household cleaners are a major baddie because they continuously emit [...]
[...] cleaning your house, chances are you’re sensitive to the chemicals and fragrances used in traditional cleaners. Some of these traditional products can trigger or aggravate chronic diseases, [...]
[...] , even in major cities. Considering that you're probably spending nearly 90 percent of your life indoors (work, sleep, shopping, spectator sports, eating, bathing, get my drift), that’s a [...]
[...] that we probably clean our homes and businesses regularly and spend nearly 90 percent of our life indoors, that’s a serious concern! While there are many sources of indoor air pollution, household [...]
[...] be surprised how little you’ll actually need to purchase to get started with your homemade cleaners. One of the easiest “recipes” is a floor wash. A gallon of hot water, 1 cup of [...]
[...] . These groups include the elderly, babies, children and the chronically ill. Sources of Indoor Air Pollution There are many sources of indoor air pollution. Once source category includes biological [...]
[...] of our life indoors, that’s a serious concern! While there are many sources of indoor air pollution, household cleaners are a major baddie because they continuously emit dangerous [...]
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