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Can Green Tea Really Cure a Toothache? There are a lot of testimonials available online to tell you about how green tea can provide temporary relief for...
If you have read some of the main articles on this website about green tea, then you will understand just how beneficial it can be for a weight loss diet...
Most people are aware of the health and weight loss benefits from drinking natural green or oolong tea. Did you know that there are many different types...
It has been well established that green tea can help people who want to lose weight and reduce their percentage body fat, and we all know that regular...
Loose-leaf tea is widely believed to produce the freshest, fullest flavoured tea but is often left aside in favour of teabags or seen as a treat, but...
Thousands of years ago, drinking a cup of tea was only considered as an effective treatment for colds and other infectious diseases. However, due to the...
Many of us know of the health benefits of green tea. It is a well-known source of antioxidants that helps the body fight cancer and heart disease. Similar...
The benefits of freshly brewed teas have been sung for centuries, and those of green tea have been known to civilizations for long. The Chinese exploited...
Green tea is one of the best drinks to take for your health. This is because several studies conducted on it have repeatedly proven that green tea contains...
Sound health is of prime importance for every individual. Lifestyles are getting increasingly sedentary in the name of progress. The same progress also...
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[...] who seek health, pure and simple. Not only is this hot beverage bursting with beneficial chemical compounds, but it also boosts the functioning of the immune system and increases stamina. This [...]
[...] tea herbs to work their magic, they have to be cooked such that they do not lose those chemical compounds that make them special. Green tea is prepared by steaming the leaves of the herb. When [...]
[...] of green tea have been known to civilizations for long. The Chinese exploited the medicinal benefits of green tea by using the herb in a wide variety of ways in their medical [...]
[...] cells, but it also prevents the recurrence of cancer if regularly consumer before and after cancer treatments. Those who are vulnerable to lung cancer recorded 18% lesser risk of contracting the same [...]
[...] green tea is its improvement of good cholesterol (HDL) : bad cholesterol (LDL) ratio. Anti-oxidant EGCG is responsible for this too, apart from stalling the formation of abnormal blood clots. [...]
[...] those who seek health, pure and simple. Not only is this hot beverage bursting with beneficial chemical compounds, but it also boosts the functioning of the immune system and increases stamina. This [...]
[...] Blood Circulation Better blood circulation means reduced possibility of developing cholesterol build-up in arteries or veins. When blood vessels are healthier, they are able to carry blood to [...]
[...] . This is actually the very nature of caffeine that’s beneficial to sportsmen. Caffeine increases alertness; hence, a player won’t feel very tired or exhausted. The substance also [...]
[...] who seek health, pure and simple. Not only is this hot beverage bursting with beneficial chemical compounds, but it also boosts the functioning of the immune system and increases stamina. This [...]
[...] tea herbs to work their magic, they have to be cooked such that they do not lose those chemical compounds that make them special. Green tea is prepared by steaming the leaves of the herb. When [...]
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