Greenlight Games
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Wonky Pigeon is a different kind of game on Steam right now. The game is centered around the escapades of a pigeon who is out to get revenge on humans...
Exoplanet: First Contact is now on Kickstarter. The game is a story driven action RPG set in a cruel and unforgiving space western universe that is inspired...
Mediocre Monster is a twist on the classic rpg. Instead of being a warrior trying to save the world, you play as Gob the goblin whose day job is to be...
In 2010 Team Meat said they would not make a Super Meat Boy 2. However, a recent interview with Game Informer has shown that they may have a change of...
GDC Europe 2015 had a lot of big name and little names attending. With over 26,000 gaming industry professionals who showed up, GDC Europe 2015 had record...
GDC Europe 2015 had some exciting announcements from Microsoft yesterday. Microsoft is expanding their ID@Xbox program to cover their entire umbrella...
Hello! Welcome back once again to another blog post, today I’m going to tell you a little more about our new games. First off, a game we’re developing...
Don’t Starve is a survival game originally released on PC back in April 2013. The last expansion for the game was Reign of Giants, and now developer Klei...
Hello! Welcome back once again. Short post today mostly about Camp, I’m home Saturday and then we will return to more game & GG news! Murder! First...
Knuckle Sandwich is a new game being developed by Andrew Brophy. It is an RPG about working different terrible jobs, but with a distinct Mother (Earthbound...
Fallout 4 customization will be very in depth when it comes to creating your own base of operations in the game. At E3 Bethesda told us that there would...
Unfortunately Greenlight Games has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] Monday, September 15th, and new information has been trickling out since. Not too long ago, Greenlight Games posted an article detailing what could come of this deal. Mojang’s founder Notch started [...]
[...] Project: Gombies Position: Character Animator Salary: Unpaid(Royalties) Job Description: Greenlight Games are working on a project titled Gombies, which is a 3rd person comedy/horror title viewed at [...]
[...] .com/channel/UCFL71epfvR6zIjeb-Yglzng The post Minimum – 5 Key Giveaway! appeared first on Greenlight Games. [...]
[...] and PC will be supported. The post Street Fighter V, Playstation Exclusive appeared first on Greenlight Games. [...]
[...] Both Playstation Plus subscribers and Xbox Live Gold subscribers receive free games every month as a sort of bonus incentive to pay for the subscription. The free games are [...]
[...] Free games with Gold have been revealed for January. Xbox users can now find out what games will be made [...]
[...] Xbox Live Games With Gold is giving away free games for February. Microsoft announces their free games before Sony, who announces their free games for the next month a day or two before the month [...]
[...] On top of having a big sale on many games, Playstation network is giving away free games to Playstation Plus members in November. They have two games for each system that they are [...]
[...] their customers and how the company “wanted to show our appreciation for your patience.” Playstation Plus users will get an extension of five free days of plus service. The free days will be [...]
[...] around and blow up enemy planes. For the Playstation Vita, The Hungry Horde is free for Playstation Plus users. The game lets you control zombies to infect people and amass a giant undead army to take [...]
[...] 10 GB of content onto the original game, including more gameplay and new cinematics. For Playstation Plus users with a Playstation 4, they will be receiving both infamous First Light, and The Swapper. [...]
[...] before the month ends. There are rumors that there will be a free AAA game released for Playstation Plus users in February; but that is all it is, a rumor. For Xbox One users, Games With Gold is [...]
[...] studio, the creators of Minecraft comes a new game, Scrolls. Scrolls is an online card-based strategy game, and has been in development for over three years. It will have different prices among [...]
[...] BOID is an Indie class based real time strategy game for PC developed by Mokus Games. The publisher of BOID, tinyBuild Games, has announced that [...]
[...] Lobb finally revealed more about the direction of the remake. Phantom Dust is a 2004 action strategy game developed and published by Microsoft Game Studios. The game was a mix of a card game, an [...]
[...] . For the Playstation 3 they are giving away Frozen Synapse Prime. This game is a turn based strategy game where you control futuristic soldiers in a dystopian world. Luftrausers will also be free to [...]
[...] is not just going to be released out to the general public. Akili is very set on doing what no video game has dared. They are seeking FDA approval to be a medical device. They are pushing for a video [...]
[...] for Microsoft’s Xbox, and has arguably one of the best multiplayers in the history of video game, which is why their early games were used so frequently in MLG. The Master Chief [...]
[...] Jurassic Park movie called Jurassic World is coming to theaters. Alongside the movie will be a video game called, LEGO Jurassic World. Developer TT Games is bringing not just the newest movie, but the [...]
[...] in Nvidias GAME24. A 24 hour gaming celebration that hosted a selection of upcoming PC games and a ton of giveaways. Sadly we didn’t win any of the GTX970’s on offer, or the Nvidia [...]
[...] meal at a restaurant or sitting on the bus, not at home for a prolonged period of time like most PC games are intended to. You can purchase his first book, Tunnel, here : [...]
[...] in $25 billion worldwide this year – Supported by the diverse methods in which one could acquire PC games, along with the ease of development of games with a variety of genres, compared to having to [...]
[...] of technical problems for the system; including a dangerous problem with rest mode. Many Playstation users who downloaded the update have reported serious problems with it. The problems are [...]
[...] users can now find out what games will be made available for free next month. As for Playstation users, Sony has a habit of not releasing the titles until the very last week before the new [...]
[...] Sony is offering compensation for all Playstation users in response to the denial of service attacks that brought down their online network. They [...]
[...] surely not prevent me from playing the thus far most entertaining game of this year. The post Consensus Review: Borderlands The Pre-Sequel appeared first on Greenlight Games. [...]
[...] . Just like the most recent Borderlands, this is a contender for game of the year. The post Consensus Review: Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth appeared first on Greenlight Games. [...]
[...] this, the TV series ‘Sonic Boom’ is amazing and you should definitely check it out. The post Consensus Review: Sonic Boom – Rise of Lyric appeared first on Greenlight Games. [...]
[...] Monday, September 15th, and new information has been trickling out since. Not too long ago, Greenlight Games posted an article detailing what could come of this deal. Mojang’s founder Notch started [...]
[...] Project: Gombies Position: Character Animator Salary: Unpaid(Royalties) Job Description: Greenlight Games are working on a project titled Gombies, which is a 3rd person comedy/horror title viewed at [...]
[...] .com/channel/UCFL71epfvR6zIjeb-Yglzng The post Minimum – 5 Key Giveaway! appeared first on Greenlight Games. [...]
[...] and PC will be supported. The post Street Fighter V, Playstation Exclusive appeared first on Greenlight Games. [...]
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