Guitar Lesson Guy
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In this lesson I teach you how to play a neat little Latin-Spanish guitar riff in A minor. The riff uses a fingerstyle technique along with hammer-on...
Here is a video blues guitar lesson I call Cypress Blues. I wrote it in a Cypress Grove near my house in Gainesville, FL. It is a pretty simple lesson...
Here is a guitar lesson for the AC/DC song “Black in Black”. In this video lesson I teach many of the finer technical points of how to play...
Here is a guitar lesson for a great Latin flavored song called “La Malaguena”. I have heard many different versions of this song, this is...
Here is a guitar lesson for the intro to Led Zeppelin’s great song Black Dog off the ZoSo Album. Download the lesson materials and be sure to alternate...
Here is a video beginner guitar lesson where I teach you how to hold a guitar and fret a note. When you rest your guitar on your knee, make sure your...
Here is a neat fingerstyle exercise (song idea) in dropped D. Please make sure you follow the tips for tuning in dropped D that I mention in the video...
Here is a song I wrote that combines a few simple chords with a rhythmic strumming and picking pattern. Remember the fundamentals when tackling this song...
Here is a guitar lesson (or tutorial as you Brits call it) for the intro to Pink Floyd’s song, “Wish You Were Here.” This is not a note...
This is a free video guitar lesson for the song “House of the Rising Sun.” This is a traditional song. The most famous rendition was performed...
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[...] see the performance in this video, please click here to see video 2 and download the tab and Guitar Pro for this lesson. [...]
In this lesson I teach you how to play a neat little Latin-Spanish guitar riff in A minor. The riff uses a fingerstyle technique along with hammer-on& [...]
Here is a guitar lesson for a great Latin flavored song called “La Malaguena”. I have heard many different versions of this song, this is [...]
[...] ;V” is an up-pick. The strumming arrows pointing UP are actually downstrums in the TAB or Guitar Pro file and vice versa. The video lesson will help you further understand what I mean. Fight [...]
[...] Here is a guitar lesson for the AC/DC song “Black in Black”. In this video lesson I teach many of the [...]
[...] Here is a guitar lesson for the intro to Led Zeppelin’s great song Black Dog off the ZoSo Album. Download the lesson [...]
[...] Here is a video blues guitar lesson I call Cypress Blues. I wrote it in a Cypress Grove near my house in Gainesville, FL. It is a [...]
[...] Here is a guitar lesson for a great Latin flavored song called “La Malaguena”. I have heard many different [...]
[...] with the rhythmic picking patterns combined with the strums. Lookin’ forward to Lester! (Download TAB for this lesson) (Download .GP5 for this lesson) [...]
[...] ;s, trills, slides, and vibrato. This is also a good riff to start off a song like Romanza. (Download TAB for this lesson) (Download .GP5 for this lesson) [...]
[...] to what I was taught as a young lad. I love to play this song and I think you will too. (Download TAB for this lesson) (Download .GP5 for this lesson) [...]
[...] Black Dog off the ZoSo Album. Download the lesson materials and be sure to alternate pick! (Download TAB for this lesson) (Download .GP5 for this lesson) [...]
[...] D. Please make sure you follow the tips for tuning in dropped D that I mention in the video lesson. Repeat the finger patterns in this lesson slowly at first, then speed up as you master [...]
[...] lesson) -this Guitar Pro file is the dotted-8th note version I play in the beginning of the video lesson. (Download .GP5 for House of the Rising Sun guitar lesson) -this Guitar Pro file is the easier [...]
[...] Here is a guitar lesson for the AC/DC song “Black in Black”. In this video lesson I teach many of the finer technical points of how to play this song. This is the first video [...]
[...] arrows pointing UP are actually downstrums in the TAB or Guitar Pro file and vice versa. The video lesson will help you further understand what I mean. Fight Tyranny, Learn Guitar! (Download TAB for [...]
[...] the Rising Sun guitar lesson) (Download .GP5 for House of the Rising Sun guitar lesson) -this Guitar Pro file is the dotted-8th note version I play in the beginning of the video lesson. (Download .GP5 [...]
[...] ; is an up-pick. The strumming arrows pointing UP are actually downstrums in the TAB or Guitar Pro file and vice versa. The video lesson will help you further understand what I mean. Fight [...]
[...] to my YouTube channel, and help me out. Thank you, Brian (Download TAB for House of the Rising Sun guitar lesson) (Download .GP5 for House of the Rising Sun guitar lesson) -this Guitar Pro file is the [...]
[...] and an interesting 22 bar song structure. I teach this lesson playing fingerstyle on my acoustic guitar, but towards the end of the lesson I show you how to pick the song. I also have suggested [...]
[...] Here is a video beginner guitar lesson where I teach you how to hold a guitar and fret a note. When you rest your guitar on [...]
[...] the intro to Pink Floyd’s song, “Wish You Were Here.” This is not a note-for-note guitar lesson. I made it slightly easier to play. Like I mention in the video guitar lesson, the [...]
Here is a guitar lesson for a great Latin flavored song called “La Malaguena”. I have heard many different versions of this song, this is [...]
[...] see the performance in this video, please click here to see video 2 and download the tab and Guitar Pro for this lesson. [...]
In this lesson I teach you how to play a neat little Latin-Spanish guitar riff in A minor. The riff uses a fingerstyle technique along with hammer-on& [...]
Here is a guitar lesson for a great Latin flavored song called “La Malaguena”. I have heard many different versions of this song, this is [...]
[...] ;V” is an up-pick. The strumming arrows pointing UP are actually downstrums in the TAB or Guitar Pro file and vice versa. The video lesson will help you further understand what I mean. Fight [...]
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