Halifax Examiner


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Halifax Examiner' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. In addition 'Halifax Examiner' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Halifax Examiner' Channel

An independent, adversarial news site in Halifax, NS

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Halifax Examiner' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are some medium length articles making up more than a quarter of all textual items.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'Halifax Examiner' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (there are just a few of them). In addition the channel contains some materials of a basic readability level.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Halifax Examiner has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Family Feud: Morning File, Tuesday, December 2, 2014

[...] News 1. Ian Thompson quits Ian Thompson Ian Thompson, the associate publisher at the Chronicle Herald, has announced to the newsroom that he is leaving the position at the end of the year. [...]

Now or maybe next year: Morning File, Tuesday, December 30, 2014

[...] slow of a news week is it? A Bridgewater man complains about crappy airline service, and the Chronicle Herald assigns a reporter to write an article about it. Tomorrow, expect an exposé on too few [...]

Vaguely inaccurate: Morning File, Thursday, January 8, 2015

[...] damn well say exactly what those inaccuracies are, and document it. 2. Racist toy monkey The Chronicle Herald interviewed Truro’s deputy mayor, Raymond Tynes, who says that a toy monkey sold at  [...]

The lazy Nova Scotian: Morning File, Monday, December 15, 2014

[...] the last day at work for the newsroom employees hit by the latest round of layoffs at the Chronicle Herald. The union tells us the reporters, some of whom had worked at the paper for decades, didn’t [...]

Mid-winter blues: Morning File, Tuesday, January 13, 2015

[...] . Map: marinetraffic.com Cento, oil tanker, Dartmouth, England to anchor NYK Constellation, container ship, Rotterdam to Fairview Cove, then sails for New York Grande Napoli, car carrier, to Autoport [...]

Crappy service: Morning File, Wednesday, February 4, 2015

[...] .com Cielo di Guangzhou, oil tanker, Dartmouth, England to Imperial Oil Dallian Express, container ship, Damietta, Egypt to Fairview Cove Zim Tarragona, container ship, Valencia to Pier 42, then [...]

Schoolboys in disgrace: Morning File, Thursday, December 18, 2014

[...] .com (click on vessel names for pictures and more information about the ships) Tasman Strait, container ship, no further info at this time NYK Diana, container ship, Rotterdam to Fairview Cove NYK [...]

Murderers, terrorists, and conspiracists: Morning File, Monday, November 24, 201...

[...] more information about the ships) Cape Bird, tanker, New Orleans to Imperial Oil NYK Diana, container ship, New York to Fairview Cove West, then sails for Southampton, England Vera D, container ship, [...]

166 years of governing responsibly: Morning File, Monday, February 2, 2015

[...] can’t access mainstream bank credit and who will not benefit from low interest rates.” 3. Cranky letter of the day A clever and insightful letter to the Cape Breton Post (or possibly just an [...]

Lying and spinning: Morning File, Saturday, January 24, 2015

[...] passengers aboard with their greater spending power, then it will be time to call it a day. 4. Cranky letter of the day To the Chronicle Herald: The Paris terrorists have unknowingly given help in [...]

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown: Morning File, Monday, January 26, 2015

[...] inspired by Samson’s trip to Florida, which included some fine Photoshop skills.” Indeed: 3. Cranky letter of the day To the Truro Daily News: I do not know about anyone else, but I am tired of [...]

The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter: Morning File, Wednesday, January ...

[...] ’s Pond. He’s a regular visitor to the pond and is well known in the community.” 4. Cranky letter of the day To the Cape Breton Post: I am trying to prevent the closure of St. Barra [...]

The Rabbit-Duck War: Morning File, Monday, December 1, 2014

[...] . For the three-month gift subscription use the discount code Holiday90. For the one-year gift subscription, use the discount code Holiday365. Once payment is made, we’ll follow up to get details. [...]

Driving down the highway with our giant stone heads: Morning File, Tuesday, Dece...

[...] . For the three-month gift subscription use the discount code Holiday90. For the one-year gift subscription, use the discount code Holiday365. Once payment is made, we’ll follow up to get details. [...]

Hopping mad: Morning File, Monday, December 22, 2014

[...] . For the three-month gift subscription use the discount code Holiday90. For the one-year gift subscription, use the discount code Holiday365. Once payment is made, we’ll follow up to get details. [...]

A sucker born every moment: Morning File, Saturday, December 20, 2014

[...] . For the three-month gift subscription use the discount code Holiday90. For the one-year gift subscription, use the discount code Holiday365. Once payment is made, we’ll follow up to get details. [...]

Lux, the demon cat of Christmas past, comes a-haunting: Morning File, Wednesday,...

[...] a time/space wormhole, etc), the Examiner doesn’t publish on Sundays or on stat holidays. So Morning File will pop in for a brief visit Saturday morning, resume on Monday, December 29, but then take [...]

Now you know her name: Morning File, Tuesday, November 25, 2014

News 1. Glen Assoun is released from prison As I wrote yesterday: Glen Assoun after he was released, with his daughter Tanya Assoun. Photo: Halifax [...]

Calculated misery: Morning File, Monday, January 5, 2015

[...]  was just one of four notable incidents in recent days. Footnotes An hour or so after this Morning File goes live, I’ll publish something Bruce Wark wrote for the Examiner. [...]

Stop the presses: Morning File, Tuesday, February 10, 2015

[...] notice that an appointment would be made. Yesterday in the “government” section of Morning File, I mentioned that there was a police commission meeting yesterday afternoon. “Not a [...]

Skating away on the thin ice of new day: Morning File, Tuesday, December 16, 201...

[...] for either is $20 plus tax ($23 total). But for a mere $7 more you can buy someone a three-month gift subscription and get a mug or T-shirt for yourself for free. Views 1. Men who hate women Allison [...]

Crashing and burning: Morning File, Friday, December 19, 2014

[...] Halifax Examiner swag—a T-shirt or a coffee mug. Here’s the deal: • Buy a three-month gift subscription for $30 and get a piece of swag. OR • Buy a one-year gift subscription at the [...]

Totally not thinking impure thoughts: Morning File, Wednesday, December 17, 2014

[...] Halifax Examiner swag—a T-shirt or a coffee mug. Here’s the deal: • Buy a three-month gift subscription for $30 and get a piece of swag. OR • Buy a one-year gift subscription at the [...]

Happy 210th birthday, Joe Howe: Morning File, Saturday, December 13, 2014

[...] Halifax Examiner swag—a T-shirt or a coffee mug. Here’s the deal: • Buy a three-month gift subscription for $30 and get a piece of swag. OR • Buy a one-year gift subscription at the [...]

?Key Phrases
Family Feud: Morning File, Tuesday, December 2, 2014

[...] News 1. Ian Thompson quits Ian Thompson Ian Thompson, the associate publisher at the Chronicle Herald, has announced to the newsroom that he is leaving the position at the end of the year. [...]

Now or maybe next year: Morning File, Tuesday, December 30, 2014

[...] slow of a news week is it? A Bridgewater man complains about crappy airline service, and the Chronicle Herald assigns a reporter to write an article about it. Tomorrow, expect an exposé on too few [...]

Vaguely inaccurate: Morning File, Thursday, January 8, 2015

[...] damn well say exactly what those inaccuracies are, and document it. 2. Racist toy monkey The Chronicle Herald interviewed Truro’s deputy mayor, Raymond Tynes, who says that a toy monkey sold at  [...]

The lazy Nova Scotian: Morning File, Monday, December 15, 2014

[...] the last day at work for the newsroom employees hit by the latest round of layoffs at the Chronicle Herald. The union tells us the reporters, some of whom had worked at the paper for decades, didn’t [...]

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