Harmony's House of Going Green
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I recently had a friend ask me about pet stain and oder remover and thought I would share this great product I have been using. When we got our dog Izzi...
I was looking for some tips on making some disinfectant wipes using an idea my friend Heather used for baby wipes when her kids where little. I found...
Homemade Deodorant 1/4 cup corn starch 1/4 cup baking soda 2 Tbs coconut oil few drops of vitamin E (optional) up to 10 drops of essential oil for...
I did not you could recycle your Brita water filter. Unfortunately there is not a place by me that accepts them, but I will hold on to them until I have...
Here is the garden Memorial Day weekend. About a week later I noticed some of my plants were being eaten by Cucumber Beetles. I used 3 different methods...
For a few years now I have been looking for and trying to find a automatic homemade dishwasher detergent, that I really like. Today I was visiting Green...
I recently made a rain barrel and a compost barrel for my yard, both things I have been wanting for a few years now. Mission (finally) accomplished! ...
I have been busy working in they yard! I planted my entire vegetable garden, put up a fence, planted herbs and flowers around the fences, planted 2 trees...
This is the story of the garden, which sits right outside the bathroom window. About 3 years ago, we were having some toilet issues and hired a plumber...
We've got a picnic area, play area, compost pit, clothes line, herb and flower gardens and a fire pit and now the beginnings of a vegetable garden. Yes...
Unfortunately Harmony's House of Going Green has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] van. My Lil helpers. The Compost Barrel 55 gallon food grade drum barrel drill jig saw 1/16 inch drill bit 3/4 inch drill bit 2 inch drill bit 2 hinges with nuts and bolts latch 2 inch pipe (longer [...]
[...] and salt. Mix together add to jar. You can also sent this with your choice of 10-20 drops of essential oil. I like to mix mine up a bit. Right now it smells of lemon. If you chose to add oils let set [...]
[...] . Fabric softener: 1 cup baking soda 6 cups white distilled vinegar 8 cups water 15-20 drops essential oil to sent (optional) Put the cup of baking soda in a 1 gallon container (I suggest something [...]
[...] 1/4 cup baking soda 2 Tbs coconut oil few drops of vitamin E (optional) up to 10 drops of essential oil for sent (optional) A empty and cleaned deodorant container. Mix all ingredients together and [...]
[...] , 4 lilacs, planted and transplanted flowers (making 2 new beds), built a rain barrel and a compost barrel and still could find 8 hours of work to do while out in the yard (if only I had that kinda [...]
[...] I recently made a rain barrel and a compost barrel for my yard, both things I have been wanting for a few years now. Mission (finally) [...]
[...] with my shovel. I am not very good making my leftovers into dirt yet, but am hoping to get a compost barrel and some red wiggler worms this summer to assist me with it. To make your own cleaners is [...]
[...] used after using scouring powder to get rid of white residue. Furniture Dusting Spray: 1-16 oz spray bottle 2 Tbsp. Olive Oil 20 drops Lemon or Orange essential oil 1/4 cup Vinegar Distilled or [...]
[...] 1-2 oz unscented Castile soap 5-10 drops essential oil (I used rosemary & spearmint) 16 oz spray bottle. Gently shake all ingredients in bottle and clean away. [...]
[...] or decrease amounts if needed. General Surface Cleaning Recipe: 1 1/2 cups white vinegar 1 1/2 cups water Disinfectant Cleaning: 1/4 to 1/2 cup pine cleaning solution such as Pine-Sol brand 2 1/2 to 2 [...]
[...] the granules dissolve. Fabric softener: 1 cup baking soda 6 cups white distilled vinegar 8 cups water 15-20 drops essential oil to sent (optional) Put the cup of baking soda in a 1 gallon container [...]
[...] 1/2 per full load. Fabric softener: 1 cup baking soda 6 cups white distilled vinegar 8 cups water 15-20 drops essential oil to sent (optional) Put the cup of baking soda in a 1 gallon [...]
[...] marigold and herb border around the garden, as suggested by my sister, as well as the use of essential oils. Work in progress. The back yard from closer to the house. My thumb is only a pail green, so [...]
[...] in the bathroom, so can (warmed) vinegar and borax. Water in a spray bottle a few drops of essential oils sprayed around the room for air freshener. Mine is has lavender & patchouli in it. It [...]
[...] , pest control *Never use white distilled vinegar on marble. The acid can damage the surface. Essential oils: Are optional and use sparingly, fragrant, antiseptic, disinfectant, repels bugs, stain [...]
[...] . Fabric softener: 1 cup baking soda 6 cups white distilled vinegar 8 cups water 15-20 drops essential oil to sent (optional) Put the cup of baking soda in a 1 gallon container (I suggest something [...]
[...] . Fabric softener: 1 cup baking soda 6 cups white distilled vinegar 8 cups water 15-20 drops essential oil to sent (optional) Put the cup of baking soda in a 1 gallon container (I suggest [...]
[...] purpose cleaner! Scented Soap and Water 2 cups hot water 1-2 oz unscented Castile soap 5-10 drops essential oil (I used rosemary & spearmint) 16 oz spray bottle. Gently shake all ingredients in [...]
[...] water before adding it to the washer it helps the granules dissolve. Liquid Laundry Soap: 1 gallon container 1/2 cup Soap Flakes 1/4 cup Borax 1/4 cup Wash Soda Distilled or Purified Water Add soap [...]
[...] 8 cups water 15-20 drops essential oil to sent (optional) Put the cup of baking soda in a 1 gallon container (I suggest something with a twist on lid, like an old milk jug), add 1 cup of water. With [...]
[...] soap: 2 cups Borax 20 Team Mule 2 cups wash soda 1/3 bar grated Ivory soap. Store in a plastic container (big butter dishes work well) Use 2 table spoons for a full load, less for smaller loads. I [...]
[...] soap: 2 cups Borax 20 Team Mule 2 cups wash soda 1/3 bar grated Ivory soap. Store in a plastic container (big butter dishes work well) Use 2 table spoons for a full load, less for smaller loads. I [...]
[...] van. My Lil helpers. The Compost Barrel 55 gallon food grade drum barrel drill jig saw 1/16 inch drill bit 3/4 inch drill bit 2 inch drill bit 2 hinges with nuts and bolts latch 2 inch pipe (longer [...]
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Harmony's House of Going Green
Helping others go green, while learning as I go.
Go Long! Go Green!
The Long and Short of Going Green and Living Naturally with my Family!
Trying To Go Green
One moms journey to going green with her family and helping others along the way. This blog will consist of Reviews & Gi...