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Josh Garza wrote: Take a brea, watch a movie, spend time with family......we are taking Hashtalk down to move to new software. It will take the better...
Daffy wrote: Every time i try to login it asks for 2FA. I did NOT enable 2FA. Is there a general problem somewhere @zenMiner_Eric If not i'll create...
Lawrence Hughes wrote: When the announcement went out yesterday did it not say that we all would get a free new single pool hashlet we only had to tell...
David wrote: Yesterday, Josh said this in his announcement post: GAW_CEO said: Tomorrow (Saturday) we’re launching the brand-new Hashtalk. I was wondering...
Micheal wrote: I have 11 Antminer S3's 441GHs version. They were all bought with BTC. Payment must be in BTC. Please PM me your bids. s3s.jpg1444x3...
Sleak wrote: I seem to be missing my Hashlet solo payout I have received my prime payouts, I'm about to make a ticket... Posts: 12 Participants: 7...
Sleak wrote: 12 Days Left Posts: 5 Participants: 3 Read full topic
RONEI DASILVA wrote: On 08/28 gawminers announced that will change the payout time that was occurring around 00 EST, in that day we did not get the payout...
Paul Coates wrote: The TinFoil Hat Brigade and the Unicron™ and Magical-Mining-Yard-Gnome Unions can now put their collective brain cell to rest... ...
pravin wrote: Today's and yesterdays payout is same. As per 9 hour late payment yesterday payout must be extra of 9 hours.... Posts: 31 Participants...
Sleak wrote: Don't you think we should get a Hashlet speed increment on our birthdays? (They should add this soon ) Posts: 37 Participants: 17 Read...
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[...] Happyminingguy wrote: I know Gaw's hashing power has been on the net for a while. What is interesting to me is we are getting an announcement [...]
[...] turned out to be a red herring as naysayers quickly established that the amount of customer hashing power able to be confirmed by various methods could not be accounted for on any of the public pools. [...]
[...] ) are breaking 500MH/s, 750MH/s, 1GH/s and above on the Scrypt side yet still want MORE HASHING POWER for pennies on the dollar to ensure their ROI is realized, like NOW... Keep it fun, [...]
[...] for a donation drive I will be running. I was hoping that GAW might be willing to provide Escrow service. I am putting this on in the Firecoin community and I have asked a few other reputable place [...]
[...] MH/s Price = 1 Bitcoin If possible I can sell those hashlets seperately. We will use an escrow service (Maxmint) or Gawminer staff. Interested? Please post here. The account can be verified [...]
[...] = 0.92 BTC for 21 MH. If possible I can sell those hashlets seperately. We will use an escrow service (Maxmint) or Gawminer staff. Interested? Please post here. The account can be verified [...]
[...] added a hashlet buyers guide at the bottom of the page. As well as I brief rundown on each Hashlet Solo and what pool it can mine on found HERE. Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic [...]
[...] Jonathan Dalcin wrote: Is there a estimated payout per day coming for the new range of Hashlet Solo's. All we get at the moment is the speed it is doing but no payout details. Posts: 5 [...]
[...] Sleak wrote: I seem to be missing my Hashlet solo payout I have received my prime payouts, I'm about to make a ticket... Posts: 12 Participants: [...]
[...] ' donated to the ALS Association and is hoping to bring awareness by accepting this challenge! GAWMiners CEO, Josh Garza, challenges: KNC Miner, ZoomHash, and Gridseed to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! [...]
wrote: @GAW_CEO, @zenMiner_Eric and the team at GAW Miners! Congrats to you all! Amazing achievement! Also, thanks again for the 12 hour double hash [...]
Josh Garza wrote: blogs.wsj.com BitBeat: For Bitcoin’s Miners and Spenders, a Supply and Demand Imbalance The amount of hardware being thrown at [...]
[...] Happyminingguy wrote: I know Gaw's hashing power has been on the net for a while. What is interesting to me is we are getting an announcement [...]
[...] turned out to be a red herring as naysayers quickly established that the amount of customer hashing power able to be confirmed by various methods could not be accounted for on any of the public pools. [...]
[...] ) are breaking 500MH/s, 750MH/s, 1GH/s and above on the Scrypt side yet still want MORE HASHING POWER for pennies on the dollar to ensure their ROI is realized, like NOW... Keep it fun, [...]
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