HausofBiB - Customize Your Blackberry Housing !!! Moved To www.hausofbib....
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Hey guys, with the new website up and running - Please refer that website for the new references of updated pricing. Pricing Guidelines...
Hey ! Happy New Year ! Things have been busy for us, lot's of things to focus to. Here's a quick update. 1) Eric got a new assistant, that's me, Benjamin...
well it has been really busy lately, and i promise i will update soon. anyways, this is regarding my bbm contact!! IT IS NOW 21B9261F. PHONE # 012-...
NEW HOUSINGS!! these ones come with the middleplate!! i bought these cuz of the middleplate actually. for mixing purposes. sorry, not a lot of color for...
well arent u 8900 owners in luck?! these designs are only available for 8900!! =D soo niceeee. lol anyways get urs now! =D RM25/ea
OH EM GEE!! CUTENESS MAX**! HAHAHAHA the final moment u ladies have been waiting for all ur life is over!! GET UR HELLO KITTY HARD CASE NOWWWW!! i just...
OH EM GEE!! CUTENESS MAX**! HAHAHAHA the final moment u ladies have been waiting for all ur life is over!! GET UR HELLO KITTY HARD CASE NOWWWW!! i just...
Sorry, another lazy post!! lol just too many individual colors, im gonna get my PA to do all the picture taking when i hire that person soon. haha in...
god im so lazy. hahaha instead of taking 8 separate pics, this is what ur gonna get. =P due to popular demand, i guess i'll bring in these angel cases...
pretty cool zebra print!! only 2 colors. sorry =\ RM35/ea
Unfortunately HausofBiB - Customize Your Blackberry Housing !!! Moved To www.hausofbib.... has no news yet.
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[...] all!) the above housing is a FULL CANDY PURPLE housing change. the keypad was a good one =D total cost = RM 180 the above housing is a LILAC PURPLE housing change. the lilac purple keypad was too [...]
[...] phone also upgraded to the the OEM (ori) version of the keypad, and added in rainbow backlight! total cost of this creation is = RM230 [...]
[...] a LILAC PURPLE housing change. the lilac purple keypad was too stiff, so owner opted for a pearl white keypad instead =D total cost = RM 180 the above housing consists of: - pearl white top cover - [...]
[...] -50 people on bbm daily. that is A LOT of typing on my little blackberry!! i now have over 1400 BBM contacts and growing. so please bare with me if i reply slower than usual =( i now only have my [...]
[...] 4) More variety of blackberry housings Currently, we can't seem to bypass the cap amount of BBM contacts. Even by upgrading the OS, so we apologize if we deleted you. Re-add us, or email us if there' [...]
[...] well arent u 8900 owners in luck?! these designs are only available for 8900!! =D soo niceeee. lol anyways get urs now! =D RM25/ea [...]
[...] sooo nice!! i love it! if i had a 9700 this would be the housing for the month!! lol anyways, this is a candy blue fusion with pearl white. owner of this phone also upgraded to the the OEM [...]
RM35 [...]
RM35 [...]
[...] OH EM GEE!! CUTENESS MAX**! HAHAHAHA the final moment u ladies have been waiting for all ur life is over!! GET UR HELLO KITTY HARD CASE NOWWWW!! i just [...]
[...] OH EM GEE!! CUTENESS MAX**! HAHAHAHA the final moment u ladies have been waiting for all ur life is over!! GET UR HELLO KITTY HARD CASE NOWWWW!! i just [...]
[...] !! email me with pics, OR come see in person please! try not to tell me "i want THAT hello kitty case!! neehhh~ u know that one, 3rd pic from the top... pink oneeee...." -.- please dont do [...]
[...] =D email me with pics, OR come see in person please! try not to tell me "i want THAT hello kitty case!! neehhh~ u know that one, 3rd pic from the top... pink oneeee...." -.- please dont do [...]
[...] consists of: - pearl white top cover - pearl white bottom cover - pearl white keypad - matte candy purple bezel - matte candy purple back cover with white center total cost = RM 150 the above housing [...]
[...] , people have been asking me why i havent changed the front part of the housing yet. well thats cuz im missing a screw driver that is FUCKING HARD TO FIND!! T1, its so small that most of the shops/ [...]
[...] all!) the above housing is a FULL CANDY PURPLE housing change. the keypad was a good one =D total cost = RM 180 the above housing is a LILAC PURPLE housing change. the lilac purple keypad was too [...]
[...] phone also upgraded to the the OEM (ori) version of the keypad, and added in rainbow backlight! total cost of this creation is = RM230 [...]
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