Hive Fleet Erebus
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I want you to first read ColCorbane article on From the Warp. In this article titled GW scenery bad for the hobby is something I had not considered before...
So I advanced ordered the Blastscape from GW simply because it was while supplies last. So I received my order today and damn if I wasnt about to ship...
This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thing...
This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thing...
This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thing...
This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thing...
A couple updates ago I got the WIP from Micro Art Studio on the Flyrant I commissioned. They have finished and here is the final result.
This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thing...
At the beginning of the year I made a list of Hobby Goals for the year As five months have passed I know I did not complete any of my goals. So lets see...
I bought a couple of products to test them out a little. The first was Pledge with Future. Path of the Exodite had a post on using this product as water...
Unfortunately Hive Fleet Erebus has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] had painted by MAS or is in process. Painted 1 Broodlord 12 Genestealers with Scything Talons 1 Hive Tyrant with Bone Sword, Barbed Strangler, Toxin Sacs 1 Hive Tyrant with Wings, Scything Talons, [...]
[...] Micro Art Studio finished another Hive Tyrant for me. I enjoy the running pose that has. Its similar to the broodlord that I converted with [...]
[...] last months on what I payed for forgeworld models. I only needed the wings from the forgeworld hive tyrant with venom cannon I bought. I sent the wings off with a couple other bits to have a converted [...]
This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thin [...]
This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thin [...]
This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thin [...]
This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thin [...]
[...] tyranid objectives. I want to build some possible terrain/objectives that are themed toward Hive Fleet Erebus. This is one of those hope to get around to goals for the year. 6) Design a campaign. This [...]
[...] . Maybe planetstrike will help boost my confidence to make one. 7)Get about 1000 points of Hive Fleet Erebus painted: To date I have gotten 1 broodlord, two tyrant guard, and dual scything talon Hive [...]
[...] the wings off with a couple other bits to have a converted winged hive tyrant done for Hive Fleet Erebus. Instead of only getting the hive tyrant, I justified getting a malanthrope (one of [...]
[...] to do next but decided to cut out the pieces to make 8 guants with devourers(devilguants) with toxin sacs. After putting the extra bits in my bits box it was full. Time to get a larger box. [...]
[...] Broodlord 12 Genestealers with Scything Talons 1 Hive Tyrant with Bone Sword, Barbed Strangler, Toxin Sacs 1 Hive Tyrant with Wings, Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs (in process) 1 Hive [...]
[...] a feeling I am stuck till the spring to finish the main game board. I finished cleaning the mold lines up on my 9 Tyranid warriors. I plan to outfit them with deathspitters and scything talons. I [...]
[...] nids, and a couple others. I have done about 80% of prep on the carnifex with regaurd to mold lines. I still need to see how to pose and repose the legs to get the effect I want. I hope to finish [...]
[...] was still in the hobby mood upon my return. I put on a podcast and finished cleaning the mold lines(I think I'm OCD when it comes to those damm mold lines they can't exist!) on my screamer [...]
[...] MAS (Micro Art Studio) finished some more models. A job well done. At this rate I will have a very large force in [...]
[...] A couple updates ago I got the WIP from Micro Art Studio on the Flyrant I commissioned. They have finished and here is the final result. [...]
[...] Micro Art Studio finished another Hive Tyrant for me. I enjoy the running pose that has. Its similar to the [...]
With a fresh new year upon us I wanted to lay down my goals on what I hope to accomplish. I am going to be very realistic as I go from one project to [...]
[...] At the beginning of the year I made a list of Hobby Goals for the year As five months have passed I know I did not complete any of my goals. So lets see [...]
[...] model as agile as I want him to look. Before March is my goal on this one. 5) Build some tyranid objectives. I want to build some possible terrain/objectives that are themed toward Hive Fleet Erebus. [...]
[...] : I have him all cleaned and ready to for when I get him painted by MAS. 5)Build some Tyranid objectives: That would be a no 6)Design a campaign: I have put down some ideas but nothing even close [...]
[...] board. I could also make some extra hills of different sizes for alternate setups. Maybe some tyranid terrain for objectives. I am open for suggestions as well. Vote on the side and/or leave comments. [...]
[...] had painted by MAS or is in process. Painted 1 Broodlord 12 Genestealers with Scything Talons 1 Hive Tyrant with Bone Sword, Barbed Strangler, Toxin Sacs 1 Hive Tyrant with Wings, Scything Talons, [...]
[...] Micro Art Studio finished another Hive Tyrant for me. I enjoy the running pose that has. Its similar to the broodlord that I converted with [...]
[...] last months on what I payed for forgeworld models. I only needed the wings from the forgeworld hive tyrant with venom cannon I bought. I sent the wings off with a couple other bits to have a converted [...]
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Hive Fleet Erebus
it is a cancer upon all the living
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