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We have a new release of our Spiral Download plugin for Virtuemart, version 1.4. For the first time the plugin is now compatible with Virtuemart 2 and...
We have released some new updates to Imgen, our image generator component for Joomla. This component allows you to dynamically resize and compress your...
One of the more annoying features of the Joomla content component is that it provides an easy way for spammers to get hold of your author emails using...
For the past few weeks we have been involved in testing Virtuemart 2.9, which will eventually evolve into Virtuemart 3 when it is officially released...
We are happy to announce a new release of our product snapshot plugin for Virtuemart.The latest release is now compatible with Joomla 3 and Virtuemart...
We have a new release, version 4.5, of GooglebaseXML, our product feed extension for Joomla and Virtuemart. For the first time the latest version of the...
It sometimes happens that you want to publish a Joomla module in a custom position on a Virtuemart page, or perhaps you only want the module to appear...
Joomla 3.3 is now released (you can read about its features and download it here). Joomla 3.3 requires a PHP version of 5.3.10. If your hosting environment...
Joomla 3.3 is now released (you can read about its features and download it here). Joomla 3.3 requires a PHP version of 5.3.10. If your hosting environment...
We have a new release of our popular GooglebaseXML shopping feed extension for Joomla and Virtuemart. The latest release is version 4.2.0, and is fully...
There is now a new release of Virtuemart, the popular e-commerce extension for Joomla 2.5. Version 2.6 is mainly a step on the way to the eventual...
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[...] Pro. This module allows you to control the display of any other Joomla module on Virtuemart pages. It allows you to assign modules to Virtuemart pages (including specific flypages or browse [...]
[...] ModController Pro This module allows you to control the display of other Joomla modules on Virtuemart pages. It allows you to assign modules to Virtuemart pages (including specific product details [...]
[...] =0;showSDescription=0;showAddToCart=0;showPrice=0} This month's featured extension is a content plugin for the Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3 CMS. This content plugin allows you to embed product [...]
[...] =0;showSDescription=0;showAddToCart=0;showPrice=0} This month's featured extension is a content plugin for the Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3 CMS. This content plugin allows you to embed product [...]
[...] The latest release of our Amazon Web Services content plugin for Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7, and for Mighty Extensions Resources, is version 2.4.2. This [...]
[...] We have a new release, version 2.0.0, of our content plugin for Virtuemart, ProductSnapshot Pro. This plugin allows you to embed Virtuemart product [...]
[...] world's most popular system for building and managing websites. It is an example of a 'content management system' - often abbreviated to CMS. This article discussess some of the reasons for Joomla's [...]
[...] We specialise in professional extensions for the Joomla!®** Content Management System. We have a variety of professional components, modules and plugins, also some products [...]
[...] We specialise in professional extensions for the Joomla!®** Content Management System. We have a variety of professional components, modules and plugins, also some products [...]
[...] product snapshot plugin. This was a Joomla content plugin that allowed you to embed Virtuemart product information directly into a Joomla article. Inspired by this we decided to recreate the plugin [...]
[...] that will enhance your store:- VM2 Product Snapshot allows you to embed Virtuemart product information in Joomla content articles. As a content plugin it is compatible with the [...]
[...] content plugin for Virtuemart, ProductSnapshot Pro. This plugin allows you to embed Virtuemart product information and an add-to-cart button in Joomla articles, and other extensions that support [...]
[...] is now compatible with Joomla 3 and Virtuemart 3. The plugin allows you to embed your Virtuemart product information in a Joomla article, with an add to cart button, and comes in two varieties: a free [...]
[...] articles. Version 2 includes a completely new HTML 5 layout, supporting a variety of image transition effects. The latest release also includes several other improvements: the controller display is [...]
[...] links are rendered on the page as ordinary html. The module features a variety of image transition effects. The image effects are rendered entirely through HTML5 (no Flash). The module has [...]
[...] It sometimes happens that you want to publish a Joomla module in a custom position on a Virtuemart page, or perhaps you only want the module to appear on [...]
[...] Virtuemart, VM Modcontroller Pro. This module allows you to control the display of any other Joomla module on Virtuemart pages. It allows you to assign modules to Virtuemart pages (including specific [...]
[...] . This module extension for Joomla and Virtuemart is an alternative to the Virtuemart featured products module. It can be used to show featured products, top ten products, recent products, or random [...]
[...] using Flash. Virtuemart Featured Product Grid is an alternative to the Virtuemart featured products module. It can be used to show featured products, top ten products, recent products, and random [...]
[...] We have a new release of our Featured Items Pro module, version 3.4.0. This highly versatile module for the Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 CMS allows you [...]
[...] , tab pane, rotator, and highlighter. The layouts available are the same as for our Featured Items Pro module for Joomla, and you can see a demo of the layouts here. The module can create extracts [...]
[...] We have a new release of our slideshow module for Joomla, mod Featured Items Slideshow. This module can display images from your Joomla! [...]
[...] Pro. This module allows you to control the display of any other Joomla module on Virtuemart pages. It allows you to assign modules to Virtuemart pages (including specific flypages or browse [...]
[...] ModController Pro This module allows you to control the display of other Joomla modules on Virtuemart pages. It allows you to assign modules to Virtuemart pages (including specific product details [...]
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