Hopper's Faith.Hope.Love


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Hopper's Faith.Hope.Love' channel has a poor rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Hopper's Faith.Hope.Love' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-crafted news inventory on the channel.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Hopper's Faith.Hope.Love' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Hopper's Faith.Hope.Love' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Hopper's Faith.Hope.Love' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Hopper's Faith.Hope.Love has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Update on Janet

[...] , things are getting a bit better now that I am on a new antibiotic.  I ended up with a staph infection in the surgical sites.  This whole month I have been a bit blah, tired and just not up [...]

Mother's Day

[...] day too. Hugs, Janet p.s. still not healed from my April 3rd surgery, I still have the staph infection.  I am going this Thursday for the CT scan to see if I need further surgery.  Prayers [...]

We have our important birthdays...

[...] on stand-by in case he is needed.  I am actually looking forward to this as I have had the staph infection for 2 months and it is getting very annoying to say the least.  I will be excited to feel [...]

Update on Janet

[...] said the scar tissue tunnels are bad as they are a constant threat to infection.  The 4" of tubing on the [...]

We have our important birthdays...

[...] surgery.  I go in Thursday  morning to have the rest of the tubing and port and tunneling of scar tissue taken out.  The general surgeon has the thorasic/cardiac surgeon on stand-by in case he is [...]

Another friend in need of prayers.....

[...] One of my friends from our Craft Club at the Senior Center has recently learned that her daughter in California has breast cancer.  Please keep her in [...]

OMG...it's been a while!

[...] write it all down. I have been busy with scrap-booking and teaching scrapping classes at the Senior Center.  Keeping busy with grand-kids too. Jeff has had a barky cough for 2 1/2 months, has been [...]

My "chemo" port issues....

[...] I was having issues with it for the past 8 months.  A port removal is supposed to be an easy surgery...what should have been a short surgery turned in to an hour and a half.  Of course mine [...]

Last of stitches out...finally...

[...] and redness, I will have to have surgery, like it or not.  He said it will not be an easy surgery as they will have to go under the clavicle bone and ribs.  He just kept saying it will [...]

My "chemo" port issues....

[...] in way too long.  Doctor had to make a second incision as the tubing was hung up on my clavicle bone.  Go figure eh?  He was able to get about 10" of tubing out and had to leave 4" [...]

Last of stitches out...finally...

[...] it or not.  He said it will not be an easy surgery as they will have to go under the clavicle bone and ribs.  He just kept saying it will NOT be a nice surgery and that I won't like it.   [...]

Another friend in need of prayers.....

[...] daughter in California has breast cancer.  Please keep her in prayer as she prepares for her upcoming surgery and treatments. God's blessings........ Janet [...]

New 5:00 pm update

Well, temp tonight is 101.5 Doctor said to wait a couple of hours, as I just took the Peracet and extra Tylenol.  Dr. Mikkelson is on call for only [...]

Mother's Day

[...] and enjoyed the day with Jeff. Hope all the mom's out there had a great day too. Hugs, Janet p.s. still not healed from my April 3rd surgery, I still have the staph infection.  I am [...]

My "chemo" port issues....

[...] .  Said I'd have had to been in a regular surgery room with an IV etc. because it was a trickier surgery.  Wednesday, Thursday and today was brutal as I could not even move my arm, standing and [...]

?Key Phrases
Update on Janet

[...] , things are getting a bit better now that I am on a new antibiotic.  I ended up with a staph infection in the surgical sites.  This whole month I have been a bit blah, tired and just not up [...]

Mother's Day

[...] day too. Hugs, Janet p.s. still not healed from my April 3rd surgery, I still have the staph infection.  I am going this Thursday for the CT scan to see if I need further surgery.  Prayers [...]

We have our important birthdays...

[...] on stand-by in case he is needed.  I am actually looking forward to this as I have had the staph infection for 2 months and it is getting very annoying to say the least.  I will be excited to feel [...]

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