Hor-RIFF-ic Productions
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We are proud to be the Guest Fan’s of Honor at this year’s DemiCon 27! Tickets available!
We’re looking for help getting our next riffing victim done before it’s premiere live this spring, and it’s a doozy. PHANTASM! Yes that’s right, the...
Gary and Erin Slasher are back! And this time they are not messing around. It’s time they took on one of the biggest movies in the business: ...
It’s HORROR-ween with Hor-RIFF-ic Productions! Two whole shorts drenched with sarcasm more sticky than any caramel apple. The subject: Halloween...
Gary and Erin Slasher are asking themselves one question…do they feel lucky? Well? Turns out they’re not because they have to...
What? No, it can’t be! The last film was supposed to be it! Noooooo! Oh well, at least Gary and Erin Slasher from Hor-RIFF...
Pack up the camper, Hor-RIFF-ic Productions is heading back to Crystal Lake! Gary and Erin Slasher take down the much loathed 4th film in the franchise...
Hor-RIFF-ic Productions takes it’s first stab at one of the original horror franchises. In doing so, Gary and Erin will attempt...
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