Hungarian Ambiance
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This morning, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Tibor Navracsics notified President János Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that he wished to step...
Almost half of Russians believe that the world is controlled by a small group of oligarchs - Americans, Jews and Freemasons - according to a new survey...
Close to 25-30 people held flashmobs Tuesday night in several cities across Erdély - Marosvásárhely, Csíkszereda, Gyergyószentmiklós and Sepsiszentgyörgy...
MEP Krisztina Morvai has claimed that the European Union signed an Association Agreement with a government that disregards the rights of two hundred thousand...
Close to thirty Right Sector activists tried to prevent the adoption of a law that grants wide-spread autonomy to the eastern counties of the country...
Ukrainian President Petro Porosenko sacked the president of Transcarpathia Regional State Administrative Office Valery Lunchenko, native of Huszt and...
Russian president Vladimir Putin said the other day that Russia will not immediately respond to Western sanctions; our counter-measures should be analyzed...
By Mátyás Szabolcs Theoretical introduction It is a really sensitive issue to talk about gypsy crime nowadays because on the one hand officially it...
Close to a thousand members of various globalist controlled NGOs attended a rally in Budapest to express their outrage over the alleged harassment of...
Sixth District Prosecutor's Office laid attempted extortion charges against the popular mayor of Ásotthalom László Toroczkai. The basis of the charges...
© Photo: RIA Novosti Several new members will join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization at the September 11 summit in Dushanbe, Tajikistan -- participants...
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